Young Love Is Such Dumb Love.


The next day Morgan had maths again and again Matt was there, sat one desk down from her with one of the guys from Jay’s room, Moose they called him but his real name was Michael.

Morgan glanced over at the two of them occasionally throughout the lesson, once Matt caught her eye and winked at her, raising an eyebrow at the same time, Morgan sneered at him, not wanting him to know just how angry she still was.

‘Miss Barker I would like to speak with you after class’ Mrs White’s voice rang out though the quite room, Morgan felt her skin flush pink with embarrassment as every pair of eyes in the room focused on her, she grumbled under her breath and carried on with her work, trying to keep her cool demeanour.

‘You too Mr Tuck’ Mrs White added, glancing up at Matt who’s smirk disappeared immediately from his face.

‘Yeah whatever bitch’ Matt mumbled, grimacing slightly. Moose chuckled beside him.

‘Busted buddy’ he whispered.

‘Yeah-fuckin’-right, I bet that bitch told her it was me. I swear she’d got it coming’ Matt grumbled darkly, again his eyes finding Morgan, the winter sun light that shone though the classroom window was hitting the back of her head, making her black hair shine and reflect, he couldn’t help noticing it was kinda hypnotising.
Even if he hated the bitch he could still think she had nice hair, right?

At the end of the lesson, after everyone else had filed out Matt and Morgan found themselves alone, facing the aging Mrs White, who was watching over the two of them over her glasses.
She sighed deeply and shook her head.

‘It pains me to see two bright, young things both here after school because of some stupid, childish behaviour’ she paused and took her glasses off and cleaned them with a tissue. Morgan opened her mouth to speak but Mrs White cut across her.

‘I don’t care who actually did what, I don’t care who’s the victim or who’s the villain, all I care about is that I never see the two of you here again after class is dismissed because I’m not always going to be lenient on you’ She stopped again, Morgan stole a glance at Matt, who was leaning back in his chair, his feet sticking out from the side of the desk, even the way he sat made Morgan mad.
Neither of them spoke, Morgan knew it would do her no good to try and press for more punishment for Matt, her pleas would fall on deaf ears for sure.

‘Get out of here, you two’ Mrs White finished, leaning back in her seat and pulling a stake of papers from under the desk.

Both Morgan and Matt rushed for the door, desperate to get out as quick as they could, once in the corridor it soon became obvious they were heading in the same direction, although they made sure they were walking a good meter apart.

‘I don’t know why you dragged me into that’ Matt hissed out the corner of his mouth.

‘Because you fucking did it’ Morgan replied, as together they rushed down the stairs toward the school gate.

‘So what? Like it even matters’ Matt replied, yanking the heavy double doors open, he passed though first but had already made sure that the doors would stay open long enough for Morgan to get though too, he might not have liked her but he wasn’t a prick, really.

‘It matters to me’ Morgan grumbled, her step slowed a little and she fell behind him.

‘Why though?’Matt pressed, suddenly a little more interested in this annoying girl.

‘It gives me a bad reputation if I get detentions, colleges won’t take me if they think I’m no good’ she replied, her voice full of her own self importance.
Matt chuckled and shook his head, once they were clear of the school grounds he pulled out a crumpled box of cigarettes from his bag.

‘One little detention isn’t going to change anything, just lighten up’ Matt said smirking a little as he lit his cigarette; he offered the packet to Morgan.

‘Oh, no thanks’ she replied, turning her nose away from the smoke that was pouring from Matt’s mouth, again Matt laughed.

‘You are such a prude’ he commented.

‘No, I’ve just got self respect’ Morgan replied, her voice clipped, they both turned down the alleyway toward Morgan’s home. Matt shook his head.

‘You live this way?’ Morgan asked, intrigued because she was sure she’d never seen him come down her way before.

‘Um,’ he paused, glancing around himself, ‘Yeah, yeah, I get home by coming this way’ he said shrugging.
They carried on walking, now in silence, it was early winter and the air was frigid already, Morgan shivered.

‘You cold?’ Matt asked, stepping a little closer to her as the pathway got narrower.

‘No, I’m fine’ Morgan lied, she might have been cold but she didn’t need his sympathy.

‘Oh, okay’ Matt replied, he sounded a little taken a back.

Morgan was quickly approaching her house; again it was empty, although Morgan didn’t mind that. It was at least quiet when she was alone and she had time to herself to think.

‘Well, this is me’ she said, her falsely cheery.
Matt stopped dead in his tracks and so did Morgan, wondering way he was stopping to. Matt turned to face her.

‘Look, I know you think I’m a cock but I’m not,’ he started, looking down at Morgan, ‘I was a bit of a dick yesterday and I’m sorry but you were pretty rude yourself so clearly we’re both to fault’ he said, raising his eyebrows.
Morgan crossed her arms over her chest and looked up at him though her eyelashes.

‘Yeah, maybe I was a bit a rude, I probably don’t really hate you’ she said, fighting a smile. Matt smirked too.

‘That’s good to know’ Matt replied, ‘Well, I’ll see you tomorrow I guess’ he added before heading off into the darkness, Morgan watched him for a few seconds, shocked by his sudden apology.

Maybe Matt wasn’t all bad, he certainly wasn’t all good but perhaps he wasn’t totally evil.
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