Little White Pill.


As I waited in the back room of the bli headquarters, I began to take in my surroundings. White walls, while tile flooring, white ceiling. Everything in the room that wasn't white was chrome; just like their leader, the very building itself was cold and unwelcoming. It was all so very depressing and plain, I felt that if I sat in one spot too long, I would be sucked up into the nothingness.

Korse... I despise everything about him; his views on life and how people should act are completely mental. There is no plausible reasoning behind the things he does; he's merely a psychopath with a god complex.

“Hello, Mr. Way,” Said the devil himself as he lurked into the room, an obvious smirk apparent on his lips.

“Poison, Korse... Just Poison...” I spoke quietly, as I stared at him blankly.

He simply shrugged and began to prepare the medication, the syringe in his hand making me more and more nervous as the seconds ticked by. If he would just hurry up, I knew everything would be alright, but... He thrives on seeing me squirm. He always takes his takes his time and makes sure that I am fully paranoid.

“Now, we've been forced to use a larger dose this time after noticing some... Interesting reactions you made during our last appointment,” Korse said, “Understand?”

As I nodded and pulled off my jacket, he turned around to administer the drug.

It hurt at first, but then... I had no idea what was going on. When he said it was a stronger dose, he didn't lie. This felt... Strange. Too strong, and yet it was perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, sorry this is so short; its really just filler until I switch to Korse's POV.

I'll probably write it as Korse next chapter.... AND you'll get to see the "Interesting Reactions" soon, too~!

Comments are love in this hectic world, dust punks. I'm in need of some love... </3