Sequel: Paint It Black

All I Wanted

What The *** Is Wrong With You?!

I woke up with a small headache and the sun blinding me from the pink curtains. I sat up and rubbed the side of my head. I looked over, Normal wasn't beside me; some of last nights events played in my mind. 

Nothing was completely solid.

"Want some cocoa?" I looked up and saw a robed dawned Normal.

"Yes," I muttered, squinting at her.

"Here you go," she walked over and handed me a black coffee mug full of steaming cocoa.

"Thanks," she sat beside me and gave me two pills, "Advil?" she nodded as I pushed them in my gullet.

I sipped gently, to keep from burning myself. Everything was flooding back quickly. I looked back at her, her blond hair covering her face.

"It was nothing," she mumbled; it was like she was a fucking psychic.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I asked looking at her.

"I don't know," she shrugged, "you were mad at me and I didn't think you guys would end up together."

"Why did you decide to tell me now?" I already knew the answer.

"You know how I get when I'm hammered," I looked back at my mug and took a sip.

"Out of all the people..." I didn't know why I was so upset by it, "why him?"

"I was upset," she ran her fingers through her messy blond hair, "I knew he liked you...I tried to hurt you," I looked at her.

I began to feel mad, "But you never told me!" I looked at her, "And you knew he liked me?" she nodded.

"I wasn't thinking," she excused to me, "and he begged me not to tell you after you agreed to talk to him."

I was beginning to feel angry. Why couldn't they have just told me? If I had known I wouldn't have slept with Frank so quickly. In fact, I wouldn't have given him a second glance.

"I love you, Sunny," she broke my thoughts., "and that's why I have to tell you something else," my stomach tighten with anxiety.

"What?" my stomach churned, "What is it? Do you have to tell me?" she nodded slowly.
"I have to," her soft voice was filled with anticipation and fear.

"Will it hurt me?" she nodded, "Will I yell at you?" again she nodded, "Will I hate you both?" she shrugged, "How long will I hate you?"


I held my breath; why was she doing this? I looked at her, tears forming from the undercarriage of my eyelids.

"Why are you telling me all this?" she sighed.

"I want you to know before you guys get any more serious," I looked into her eyes for any clue.

I hated myself for wanting to know. I desired to know, but begged it all to be fictitious and made up.

"I love you Normal, but if it hurts me, I don't want to see you for a while," she nodded, "so tell me," I took a deep breath, "say it."

Normal looked back into my eyes, frantic and scared, "there were other times."

I eyed her, confused, "Other times?"

"Before and after you guys got together," I looked at her madly.

"Why?" I stood up and threw the cup; the cocoa spilled and the mug shattered against her bright pink dresser, "Why would you do that to me, Normal?" I shouted, confused.

"It just happen, it was Mikey's idea," I frowned at her.

"How many times?" my throat burned from yelling and the alcohol consumption.

"That doesn't matter."

"Yes it does! Why would you do that to me? And Mikey, too?" I felt the tears swarm my eyes.
I began to think that's why Mikey was so nice to me. My stomach churned with disgust and anger. I held myself and looked at her.

"It was only 5 times," she blinked as tears filled her own.

"When was the last time?" she didn't answer, "Answer me!"

Normal swallowed and wiped her cheeks, "The night before he gave you guys the tickets to New Jersey." 

I balled my fist, "You're suppose to be my friend! My best friend! Why would you do that to me?" the tears fell from my eyes, "And while we were together? Oh my God! How could you do that to me?" I was so filled with adrenaline that my fingers began to twitch; again.

"It was suppose to be harmless fun," she excused it all.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I shouted, "Did you guys even consider my feelings or was I just a fucking joke?" Normal stood up, putting her mug on her nightstand.

"We never talked about you in any bad way, Sunny," she walked over to me, "we were just messing around."

My lip quivered with anger and confusion. I let the tears fall, so she could see. I sighed and moved away from her.

I went to the bed and grabbed my shoes. I laced them up with tears and snatched my coat from her desk. Normal was muttering something, but the pounding in my ears won't let me hear it.

I rushed out as fast as I could, Normal grabbed me but I tore away. I marched out of her house and noticed the snow. The snow didn't stop me, I just marched down the block.
The east side of Chicago wasn't too familiar to me, but I managed to remember which street was to the west. I shook violently from anger and the snow. I dug my hands into my coat and I could feel my fingers twitch.

I made it downtown and rushed to a Starbucks quick. I sighed happily at the warm space. I rushed to the register, "I want a small, hot lemon tea," the barista smiled.


I walked down my block, my tea warming my twitching fingers. I couldn't grip it tight, but I gripped it well. I noticed my neighbors plowing their driveways and waved to me.
I made it a few houses before my own when a young guy stopped me. He was almost 6', soft green eyes, a little stubble and wearing a black beanie.

"Sunny Romero?" he asked

"Yeah?" I said eying him.

"It's me, Drew," I tried to remember.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember," he smirked.

"I was your lab partner in 9th grade," I then thought harder.

"Oh, Drew Edwards!" I smiled, "How have you been?" I hugged him quickly.

"I'm good, I actually just moved back into the neighborhood," I pointed to his house across the street from mine.

"Really, how come?" he frowned a bit.

"My grandma died and my dad decided to move back," I frowned with him.

"I'm sorry about your grandma," he shrugged.

"It's alright, she was almost 90, so we expected it."

"Yeah," I nodded, "so where did you guys move too? I remember only knowing you for like a couple months before you moved," he shifted.

"My dad got a job in Barrington, so we just picked up and left."

"Well, you're a lot cuter than I remember," he smiled at me.

"And you're a lot shorter," I rolled my eyes with a chuckle.

"Been the same height since 8th grade."

"So, why are you out in the snow so early?" I looked at my watch; it was 11 am.

"I just went to get tea," I showed him my cup.

"I'm on my way to get some coffee, the car is broken down."

"If Starbucks is too expensive there's a great little donut shop two blocks away," I instructed him.

"Oh, thanks," he grinned.

"No problem."

"So will I see you again, Sunny?" I nodded.

"Yep, are you going back to Whitney (our high school)?" 


"Then I will see you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Added a new character, along with the inevitable fight between Sunny and Normal. I was kind of low on ideas and invented Drew, sorry if you all may not like it, but I was running out of ideas! I'm still stuck on the next chapter, thinking of how Sunny and Frank would see each other and the argument; I really hate writing arguments, I am terrible at them. Anyways, sorry for rambling, don't forget to comment! I really appreciate it all, and I love each and every one of my subscribers! You (87 of you) fucking rock!