From The Lights To The Pavement



I was an ordinary girl, oh how that would change in a short time.
I had just moved from Los Angeles to New Jersey, and the weather was bad. As bad as I felt. Dont get me wrong I love thunderstorms and all that, but this one just made me feel uneasy, like it was a warning sign.

Maybe a sign that I should leave.
Well, anyway I was unpacking the boxes and bags we had brought from our old house. I never thought I would miss that house if I moved but just standing in this house I had just moved in didnt feel right. I wanted to move back.

My parents said everything would be alright, that it was just for a while. My dad worked a lot and I never really saw much of him and when I did it was nice. He travelled all over the world and brought me many gifts from where he had been visiting. My favourite thing he brought me back was a black satin book with red ribbon on it creating wonderful twirls and spirals. Id write poems in it when I was going through a tough patch in life, I dont know why I did it. I made myself sound so sad, and I spose it was true.

I was the uncool kid at school.
My old school.

And I would be here too. Like always. I mean its not my fault im different, unique, not like others. Its just the way I am. And I like the way I am, I wouldnt change for anyone. Anyone.

I had changed for one person. Come to think of it.

But I didnt mean to it was the way I reacted.

I had caught the love of my life. The person I swore Id spend the rest of my life with. Making out with my best friend. That changed me a lot. It made me from a person who acted like they were on happy pills to the person I am now.

I hoped to change though, turn over a new leaf. Just for this new school , I had seen the brochure my parents got on it. It was big and it was boarding, but my mum decided not to let me board until I got used to the surroundings. Since my dad wasnt home much and my mum and I didnt get along very well I hoped to get used to my new school quickly so I wouldnt have too spend my days after school listening to my mum go on about how evil the world could be if you didnt treat it right.

She was a hippie freak person I suppose you could say. She supported green peace and things like that. She made me go on a fur protest once when I was younger, too young id say. I had got lost in the crowd and was practically stamped on by tree hugging people.

My mother was like that but I accepted it. It was when she had a few to drink that I didnt like her, it made me worry about what she could do to me. She had thrown a vase at me once, it had missed me by a thread. The next day it was all forgotten about like it had never happened.

I just worry about her when she has a drink, but that was the least of my worries. I was going to a whole brand new school tomorrow.

That made me worry.