From The Lights To The Pavement



It was the day before the prom and Gerard and I were at the local mall doing some shopping for the big night.

"I like this" Gerard exclaimed holding up a hot pink tux.

"You know, sometimes I swear you must be gay or something"

"Hey I'll have you know I'm pure straight. And I really cant help it this hot face attracts women AND men!" He replied with a smart look in his eyes.


"How about this one" He held up a smart black tux this time.

"I love it" I smiled.

Gerard smiled back at me.

The next thing I knew he had brought it and we were going onto the next shop for my dress.

"I found it."

"Aren't you going to try it on?" Gerard asked me.

"No, I know its right for me." I was really happy with my purchase.

"Alright then"

I made my way over to the cashier and placed the dress on the counter.

"What a lovely choice!" The lady serving me told me and she priced it up.

"Thanks, its for my prom!" I replied with a friendly smile.

"Oh, well I hope you have a fabulous time"

"Thanks" I said as I handed over the money my mom had given me to get the dress. Lets say a lot of chores helped me to get it.

Lets say I left the mall a very happy girl with my new dress.


We'd drived from the mall to my house and had now finished our conversation on the subject of colors.

"I'm gonna go now Darly, kay so I'll pick you up here at 6 tomorrow, yeah?" Gerard asked me making his way to the front door.

"Yeah, see you then." I waved good bye as he made his way to his car and drove off.

I made my upstairs with a bag containing my dress.

I questioned in my head trying to think of some shoes that I owned that would go with it.

I carefully raided my wardrobe trying to find the right ones that I had thought of.

I was already starting to get butterflies in my stomach about the prom tomorrow. I hate to think what I'll be like when its the day before a big day like my wedding or something. Knowing me I probably won't get married though. Little old me has never been good at love and probably never will. Thats why people call me a pessimist. The truth is I just think a lot though. Honest thinking.