From The Lights To The Pavement



Prom day.

Mom was at work so I was in the house all alone. "I should make some girls to be friends" I thought to myself. Its not like I could get ready with a boy and share our make up and talk about girly things. But Gerard could I suppose.

It was two hours before Gee was picking me up and I had just had a shower. I dried myself off as well as my hair. I set up the straighteners and used them once they had warmed up. I then started to put on my make up, applying black eyeliner and the essentials like that.

30 mins to go.

All I had to do now was the rest of my hair and get dressed.

I picked the dress off of my bed and gently got into it. The silk running over my curves and the soft touch of it made my skin tingle a bit. It felt so nice and I felt like a proper lady.

I made my way over to my mirror and picked up a comb, I started to backcomb my hair and sprayed it with hairspray to keep it in place. I looked in my mirror happy at the overall result.

And with five minutes to go. I think I did rather well.

I made my way downstairs and placed the shoes on.

-RING RING- went the doorbell.

I opened it to be meet by Gerard. He was dressed in his black tux with a black shirt underneath and a small red flower popping out of his tux pocket. His eyeliner applied well as always and his pale skin looking radiating today.

Overall he looked smart.

"Fuck Darly, you look hot"

I smiled at his remark. "You don't look that bad yourself" He smiled back.

"Your carriage awaits." He gestured for me to link my arm with his as he ushered me to his car.

Ray was in the car with his date to. We made our hellos and talked as Gerard played his 'Misfits' music on the way to the prom.


You could hear the prom music playing from outside the school.

"My lady" Gerard said in an English accent as he opened the door and offered his hand to help me out the car.

"Thank you young man" I replied back.

Ray and his date had already made there way to the school hall where the prom was taking place.

"Come one then, lets go" Gerard said as we made our way into the school.

We walked into the hall meeting the music blare all over the place. There weren't any teachers around which I hadn't expected.

"Where are all the teachers?" I asked Gerard.

"Oh, they sit in the staff room, dont like the music. They get the class captains to make sure no hanky panky goes on but they never do it" He told me. "Oh look its the gang"

I noticed them in the opposite end of the hall.

We were about a few seconds away from them when I noticed Frank. He looked so handsome in his tux, but in his own way he had make it look like it was a special style. Suddenly he looked at me. I looked away hoping he hadn't noticed me looking at him. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him looking at me. His eyes wandering my body.

"Hey guys" Gerard shouted as we arrived to the gang and their girls.

'Heys and yos' were replied back.

The girls weren't really hanging out with boys and had made there own little clique. They showed no interest in the boys.

I stood there in my own world as the boys talked about how they had spiked the punch to get all the preps.

"Darl, are you there?" Gee said waving his hand in front of me. "Wanna dance?" I snapped out of it and looked at him.

I nodded. The song playing was 'Time of your life' by Green Day.

We moved in time. You could say Gerard and I put together couldnt dance for monkeys peanuts, but we were making do.

"Yo, bro" Mikey said tapping on Gerard's shoulder.

"Cant you seem I'm dancing donkey face?"

"Yeah, but you gotta come and see!" Mikey said almost out of breath.

"I'll be one second okay! Dont move" Gerard told me.

I knew he wouldnt come back though. Once the boys find something interesting it keeps them entertained for ages.

I made my way out of the hall and sat at the schools entrance stairs.

I watched as more couples who had arrived late made there way into the school for the prom. All of them looking so in love.

How I envied every single one of them.

Looking down at my feet I felt a body sit next to me.