From The Lights To The Pavement



"Here, your get cold" Frankie said to me as he draped his jacket over my shoulders.

"Thanks, but shouldn’t you be inside with your prom date" I asked him.

Frank looked at his feet.

"Yeah I suppose, but shes making out with Mikey's prom date"

I gave him a 'yeah right' look.

"Seriously" He replied.

"Wow…." I was astonished "So Mikey was right, she was gay. And that’s what he must have been showing Gee."

Frank nodded still looking at his feet.

"Umm sorry to hear that." I told him.

"Nah, its okay. Don’t like the bitch anyway."

I giggled.

"You have a cute laugh" He said as he looked at me.

I looked at him in awe. His face so beautiful. His eyes so stunning. His lip piercing glinting in the moon light.

"Have I got something on my face?" He asked me.

"Um.. No" I replied embarrassed and looking away from him.

We sat there for a minute in silence.

"You look really beautiful tonight. I mean you always do, but today…. Wow."

"Thanks" I said blushing "You look real handsome tonight"

He smiled at me.

"You know me and you have never had a real long conversation like this" I said noticing.

"Mhm, yeah"

We both smiled.

"Beautiful night out" I said to make conversation.

"Not as half beautiful as you"

I turned to face Frank meeting his luscious hazel eyes.
We both seemed lost in each others eyes.

Our faces felt only inches away. Slowly they seemed to get closer. When our lips touched each other, our lips moved slowly and passionate. The world seemed to go by in a blur just for those few seconds, everything seemed like it was meant to be.

"Excuse me." We heard getting interrupted.

We broke apart to look to see a teacher.

"We warned all students. No hanky panky" He replied.

"Sir, we know that and were just sharing a kiss. And if you want to see proper hanky panky I suggest you go to the cloakroom. Its all going on in there" Frank told him as if he owned him.

"Hmm, well thank you" The teacher said and walked off.

"Frank! All those couples are gonna get caught now!" I exclaimed.

"And?" He paused. "Wanna head back to my place?"

I looked at him with doubt in my eyes.
Frank seemed a bit like a bad boy.
But somehow that just attracted me more.

I nodded with a grin.

He stood up and held out his hand. Much like we had done at my house when the gang slept over.

He lead me over to a small car.

"Its not grand I know, but it makes do" He opened the car door for me and closed it behind. He made his way over to his side and clambered in.

We drove to his place in silent.

Once we had arrived I decided to brake the silence.
"Frank where do I stand?" I asked as he pulled into his drive way.

He looked at me as he undid his seatbelt.

"Darls, I know I haven't seemed like I've taken an interest in you when we first met, but I really feel something for you. I've never felt it before with any other girl." He looked put the window. "Will you be my girlfriend? I mean its cool if you want to be friends im fine with that"

I butted in to stop his rambling. "I'd love to"