From The Lights To The Pavement




Frank and I are now happily married.
We'd gotten married young.
So what?
Were in love.

Frank plays guitar in a band called My Chemical Romance.
The rest of the gang also star in it.

With Gerard singing, Bobs drumming, Ray guitaring like Frank and Mikey playing bass.

They'd just started in the music industry and were making a name for themselves.

Gerard and I were sitting on his sofa.

I hadn't been feeling very well recently and was explaining it to Gerard.

"I've been feeling nauseous and had back pains. I think I'm dying Gerard" I said with my hands holding my head.

"Don’t call me a doctor but have you been baby making?"

I sprang up from my seat.

"Gerard I'm on the pill, I cant be"

"Well, you could be that 1%" I looked at him doubtfully.

There was a chance he was right. However much I didn’t want him to be.

"Would you like me to come to the doctors with you?"

"No. I'll just get a pregnancy test"

He nodded his head.

"I'm scared Gerard. What if I am?"

Too many thoughts started to swirl and twirl in my head.

"Well then you and Franks will be the best parents ever. It is Franks right?"

"Yes of course" I said knowing that if I did happen to be carrying it would be Franks. "I'd like to get the test now and find out"

"Come on then"

We made our way to a pharmacy on foot.


I sat at Gerards kitchen table with the test in front of me.

"Well?" he asked

"It needs a minute" I replied.

That minute seemed like a lifetime.
I don’t think I've ever had so many things crossing my mind in a minute like then.

"Its time" Gerard said snapping me out of my thoughts.

I looked at the test feeling fear show on my face.

Gerard had noticed it, "Want me to look?"

I nodded slowly.

He took it on his hands and looked at the instructions.

He looked up from it to me.

"Can I be the godfather?"

A small smile crept onto my lips.

"I'm pregnant aren't I?" I whispered to him

He nodded his head.

I sat there in silence. Unsure of how to react.

But then ,my reaction sprung on me.

"Gerard what am I going to do? I'm too young to have a child."

"No your not. And age doesn’t matter. I mean yeah maybe not when your under 18 but nows fine. Darl, you and Frank are gonna make fabulous parents"

"He might not want one though"

"You better not be thinking about an abortion"

I shook my head. "no"

"Do you have any idea how far your in?"

"two or three weeks?" I replied, not 100% sure.

There was a knock at the front door.

Gerard got up to get it and revealed a Frank.

"Hey, is Darla still here?" I heard him ask

"Yeah sure, Darla, Frank for you"

I got up and walked over to my husband

"You wanna go home now? I'm done practicing chords at Ray's"

I nodded as he walked out towards our car.

I turned to face Gerard. "Gee, don’t tell anyone please. I want to deal with this myself"

"Kay, but take care of yourself. I'll be checking up on you and you have to tell Frank sometime"

I nodded knowing he was right.

"Come on Darl" Frank shouted from the car window.

"Coming" I shouted back

"Thanks Gee" I said placing a small peck on his cheek and making my way to the car.

The car ride home was mainly silent as my mind thought of what to do about the little person my tummy was making and how I would tell Frankie and how he would take it.