From The Lights To The Pavement



"Frankie get the phone" I shouted from the kitchen.

I head the phone stop ringing and assumed he had got it.

"Its for you" he shouted back

I picked it up from downstairs.



It was Gerard.

"How can I help"

"Um its about you know."

I knew what he meant.


"Mikey knows"

"What, how?" I shouted down the phone

"We left the test on the table and he found it."

I scrunched my face up.

"But don’t worry I made him sure not to tell anyone. And if he does well lets say he wont be seeing tomorrow!"

I laughed at his words.

"Thanks Gee. I'm gonna to tell Frank soon"

"Kay, well see you soon"

"Yeah, bye"

And with that I put the phone down.

I heard Frank coming down the stairs.

"Everything okay?" He asked me

I nodded my head.

"Dar, can we talk?"

I nodded my head again and followed him to the sofa we had in front of our television.

"Is everything okay between us?"

I nodded my head slowly, unsure of where this was leading to.

"Its just you haven't seemed to talk much recently, I haven't done anything have I?"

"I know, I know I'm sorry. It's just… It's just….."


"I'm pregnant" I blurted out not meaning to.

I felt tears form in my eyes and fall down my face.

"Baby, what are you crying about? That’s fantastic!" He said wiping a tear from my face.

"You, you don’t mind?" I whimpered back

"Hell, why would I. We agreed to have children sooner or later."

I looked into his eyes.
The ones I could get lost in so easily.

"I know, I know but you don’t think this is to soon? We're still so young"

"No were cool, I mean I'd rather have it now than when im old and on my death bed, I'd hate to die before even seeing my kid live their life"

"I love you" I said honestly burying my face in to open arms.

"I love you too mummy"

"Not as much as you Daddy"

He placed small kisses on my head.

"Wow. Were gonna have a child" he said almost speechless.

I pulled away from our hug and looked at my belly.

"I cant believe my tummy's gonna be massive in a few months" I whispered

"I cant believe there's a little person in there is growing right now" he whispered back

"I know"

"Were gonna be the best parents ever" he replied proudly.

I smiled at my husbands face.

He looked so happy and full of life.
Just like our child would be in a few months.
Full of life.