From The Lights To The Pavement




The past few months have been emotional, not just for me but the people around me.
I've found it tough coping with all the effects of being pregnant.
Sore backs, moody tantrums and being sensitive to smells.

But like Frank says every time I go through one of those phases
"Its all gonna be worth it"

I have to admit he's been great coping with me.
I know if I were him I would have tried to kill me in anger.

The prenatal classes were a tad bit uncomfortable.
Considering all the other members were in there mid 40's and weren't adorned in piercings or tattoos like us.

Speaking of those classes, we were in one at the moment.

"Now parents the music that you listen can effect the child. Music such as Mozart will make the child brighter and more intellectual. I suggest artists such as Chavisky and Beethoven."

"Bullshit" Frank whispered in my ear as I laid in between his legs like all the other soon to be parents with their partners.

"Shh Frank" I whispered back in a harsh tone

"Is there proof that this theory actually even works?" Frank asked the lady interrupting her on a speech about Celtic music.

"Um not specific research but its well known to calm down during birth and such"

"Right okay." Frank spat back.

I shook my head at his rude attitude.

"What?" he whispered back to me noticing me shaking my head

"Frank don’t disturb the lesson"

"I just don't want our child to grow up to be a little Mozart nerd. I want them to have the good music taste you and I have"

I smiled. "Oh Frank"

"Right that’s it class, lets have a quick break. Frank and Darla could I have a quick chat to you?"

I nodded my head speaking for the both of us.

"I couldn’t help but notice your rude attitude towards my lessons"

I laughed in her face.

"I'm sorry, its just I find you classes rather hilarious with your facts. There so stupid and trying to tell us what to name our kid. It's our baby not yours." Frank told her wrapping an arm around me.

The look on her face was hilarious.

"Right okay. Class break over" She replied sternly flicking her hair and moving to the front of the classroom.

"Did you see her face hunny when you said that to her" I told Frank as we took our sitting positions again.

"Ahah sure did. Priceless"

"Now class, choosing baby names"

Frank gave out a quiet grunt showing he disapproved of the lesson. In return he got a small slap on the knee from me.

"I suggest Daisy or something nice like that after a flower"

"Darla this is shit. She can't tell us what to call our baby. There is no way I'm naming our child after a flower, there get bullied at school. What do you say we get out of here"

"Frank the lesson only lasts half an hour more"

"I'm gonna go insane" he whispered back

"And how do you plan to get out of here?" I replied back quietly receiving a dirty look from the teacher for talking while she was.

"Like this" he gently placed his arms under mine and pulled me up slowly with him being careful of me and the baby.

"Excuse me" The teacher shouted

We both ignored her and ran out the door.

"Frank" I shouted as we ran towards the car.

He stopped and turned around.

"All this excitement is bad for the baby" I said with an eyebrow raised and a smirk on my face.

He pressed his lips hard against mine brushing his tongue across my lower lip.

"Frankie, take me home. I'm starving" I murmured against his lips.

He pulled away and nodded his head.

We made our way to the car parked in the car park.

Frankie opened the door for me and got in on his side after.

"Thank you Franksy" I said as we pulled into our driveway

"For getting you out of the lesson? I don’t blame you, I wanted to too!"

"No, for giving me that thrill. It made me feel like a little school kid again"

Since being with Frank I've been doing more daring things, he's made me feel young again. I might still be considered young at my age, but he makes me feel younger than I am, like I'm back at high school again.

He let out his cheeky smile.

"I'll make dinner tonight gorgeous" he said as we entered the house through the front door.

"Thank you"

What would I do without him.