From The Lights To The Pavement



"FRANK" I shouted at my husband as I saw him eating a donut. "That was mine you greedy pig"

"An hour ago you said you didn't want it" he shouted back with his mouth full

"Yeah that was an hour ago. I want it now" I screamed

"God, just shut up your giving me a headache. Your hormones are getting on my nerves now" he replied through gritted teeth.

"Excuse me, how the fuck do you think I feel? God just leave me alone, your so full of yourself"

"You know what fine." He threw the rest of the donut into the waste paper bin and stormed out the front door grabbing his car keys on the way out.

"God why does he have to be such an idiot" I muttered to myself.

Coming up to the expected birth date my hormones have been all over the place. I'll be all happy one minute then wanting to rip someone's head off the next. I sat on my bed feeling sorry for myself.

"God I'm such a hulk" I whimpered as tears stained my face.

I went into our bathroom connected to our bedroom and cleaned myself up.

"Your such a mess" I said as I looked at myself in a mirror.

I took the decision to clean myself up by going in the shower.

I gently slid the clothes off of my body. All of them large compared to what I usually wear, since my drainpipes would no longer fit me with this large belly. I turned on the water and felt it to get the temperature right. I slowly made my way under the water. It's rays of luke warm water hitting on me gently and making my sore back feel better a bit. I watched as suds of lavender soap I had just used to clean myself with slide off my belly.

"Not long now" I told myself as I stood out the shower and dried myself.

I made my way into our room and got changed into my pyjamas, since it was nearly bedtime anyway.

I walked down the stairs and saw Frankie sitting at our kitchen table with a box in front of him.

"Your back then" I said breaking the silence that filled the house.

He nodded his head.

"Sorry Frankie" I whispered as I sat in the seat opposite him.

He shook his head. "No, it was my fault I should have asked you"

"No it is mine. It's the hormones. Anyway, what's in the box?"

His eyes looked into mine as he smiled.

"For you" he said as he pushed the box over to me.

I opened it carefully and smiled at his face, still plastered in that cheeky smile he always wears.

"Thanks baby. Want one?" I thanked him as I choose which donut to munch on.


"Okay, I'm having chocolate" I said as I handed over his one.

"Two more weeks honey." He paused and wiped his mouth from the icing. "Think your make it?"

I put my donut down on the table and thought. "I feel like I'm about to burst any moment. I don’t know if I'll be able to hang on that long! Do you think I will?"

"No idea. But the bags ready to take to hospital whenever you pop. All that’s getting to me is the anticipation now"

"Yeah I know" I replied

"We should have asked to find out if it were a boy or girl" he said referring to when I had my scan to check that everything was fine and healthy.

"I want it to be a surprise though"

"I know, but the nursery is so plain being yellow"

"Well when we know what gender it is were start getting it the toys and bits to fill the room. I don’t want us getting rag dolls if it’s a boy!"


"Who do you think it will look like?" I asked him as I finished my donut.

"Hopefully their have my good looks" He replied winking

"Whatever Mr. I'm so full of myself"

"It'll probably have a mixture, but whatever it looks like its gonna be so beautiful. I mean come on, we made it!"

I laughed at his remark.

"Sometimes I wonder why I ever married you" I said shaking my head

"Um, maybe because I'm handsome, beautiful, funny, smart"

"I'm not so sure about the last one" I scoffed.

He turned his face to an ' oh my god ' one. "I'm deeply hurt!"

"You know I'm joking. I married you because I love you for who you are."

He mouthed an I love you as he got out his seat and helped me out mine.

"Lets lay in bed and cuddle, its getting late and that fight earlier drained me" Frankie told me holding my hand and using the other behind the small of back while leading me upstairs to our bedroom.

"Sounds like a great idea"

We layed down our bed and talked for ages.

"I cant wait Darla, when this one comes out were gonna start a family, and have grandkids. Its gonna be amazing"

"I know" I replied lacing my hand with his as our faces faced each other laying down on the bed. Thoughts came in my head. "Frankie, what about the band?"

"Yeah, I've talked with them. They said it's fine. Were gonna have a two year break" he paused "See how things go along the way. Don’t worry I'm not gonna leave you yet gorgeous" He hushed to me as he moved a strand of my black hair out off my face.

"Thank you" I placed a kiss on the tip of his nose. "You know if it weren't for the prom, or your prom date being a lesbian with Mikeys, we might not have been together now!"

"That’s true. But I'm sure soon I would have plucked up some courage to ask you out"

"I love you Frankie"

"I love you too Darls"

Some people may think of my husband as an arrogant rock star, but the truth is that when he's at home with his lover, he's a soppy husband.

& if I'm honest, I wouldn’t change him a single bit.