From The Lights To The Pavement



I was due to give birth any day and it was starting to get to me. I'd spent the last week in bed watching television with Frank by my side. His excitement was starting to show, he'd been doing the nursery and helping me choose baby clothes form catalogues. He's the type of boy that you can go shopping with and not be rushed. I love him for that. And I have to admit I did marry quite a stylish man.

"I think we should get this too" My husband stated pointing at a small pink dress with small skeleton buttons.

I shook my head disapproving "Frank we agreed, no blue or pink. I mean what if it’s a boy? You think it'll look good in that?"

"Well don't I look good in a thong?"

I laughed at the memory of Frank going into Ann Summers trying on a thong asking the cashier if it suited him and would suit me. "Surprisingly, you looked a million dollars"

"Just like you" he said touching the tip of my nose

"Not funny"

"I wasn’t trying to be"

"Well I don’t feel it and I know I don’t look it looking like a fat thing"

"You know I'm not lying when I say this because watch my eyes, they wont look away from you when I say this" I nodded my head, you see when Frank lies he cant look straight in my eyes for feeling bad having to lie to me.

He continued, "When you started to get big in the tummy, it seriously attracted me to you more. Your look stunning even when your carrying a tiny person in you. I'm gutted that the doctor told us not to indulge in under the covers naked after several months, Because that’s when you seriously started to look sexy. I love you Dar, I couldn’t care less what you looked like whether you just woke up, thrown up or just got out the shower"

I smiled at his face noticing he hadn't applied any eyeliner today.

"Didn’t look away once. Thank you"

"For what making you feel beautiful?" his face came closer to mine

"Yes" I pressed my lips against his.

Our lips moving hard against each others with his tongue begging for entrance and happily getting accepted. His body slowly straddled me.

I moaned against his lips, causing him to pull away.

"Did I hurt you?" He whispered

"Don’t press so hard"

He nodded and pressed lips to mine again. His hand running up my nighty along my thigh pressing hard.

We were starting to get a bit carried away as our clothes came off when I remember what I was told.

"Frank I can't, we can't" He pulled away from me.

"I forgot baby" I nodded getting under the covers covering my naked body.

"No, its okay being pregnant makes me horny wild" I sighed.

"Nearly, nearly" Frank said getting under the covers too.

"We haven't thought of names yet you know"

"I've had a few thoughts. I've decided on the girls name"

"Go for it"


"Oh god, has Gerard been helping you choose the names or something?" I looked at him and gave him my evilest eyes I could. "Were going to Gee's tomorrow aren't we?"

He nodded his head.

"You need to get out, your gonna have to when the baby's out. Anyway, you must be getting sick of me, you've gone at least three weeks without seeing anyone else but me."

"I could never get sick of you"

"I was just going to say that you know."

"Oh please. I really hope our child doesn't get your attitude"

"What do you mean child? Were going to have lots of children gorgeous"

"Um, its my body and if I want one I'll decide thank you very much"

"What so you only want one child?"

"No two. Maybe three"

"Yeah I could settle with that" he replied.

I looked at the clock on my bedside table. "Frank its getting late and we have to get up early tomorrow if we have to be at Ray's"

"Kay then" he answered back as he turned on the small lamp beside him and turned off the main bedroom one hanging from the white ceiling above us. I watched as he clambered back.

"Frank move over" I told him gently pushing him from his side.

"Not another replay off the other night" he referred to three nights ago when we had an argument about him hogging the bed and not giving pregnant me enough room. He ended up downstairs on the sofa leaving me in a huff.

"Just move over a bit then" I smiled as he did what I asked

"Thank you Frankie" I smiled at him as he turned off his lamp.

"Love you"

"I love you too Frankie"

He rarely lets anyone call him that, Gerard does occasionally when he's trying to wind Frank up by calling him that. He loves me enough though to let him.