From The Lights To The Pavement



"Frank I can't take this any longer" I was in a doggy position in complete hell.

"Can you do anything? She's been in labour eleven hours now" Frank asked the nurse who was writing some notes.

"Well, give it one more hour and it still hasn’t arrived then maybe you should start thinking about a caesarean."

I looked at Frank squeezing his hand as my body felt like it had just swallowed some glass.

"Baby your getting tired maybe you should have one"

"It'll hurt"

The nurse interrupted, "We'll numb the pain for you but yes it does hurt a bit after the operation but we can give you something to ease the pain if you want"

I nodded my head. "I'll give you time to think about it. Call me if you need me" she continued leaving the blue painted room.

"I'm going to give it half an hour, any more time than that and I think I'm going to faint" I told Frank in between breaths.

He nodded his head as he rubbed my back. His eyes had sunken due to the lack of sleep.

"It'll be worth it"

"I swear if you say that one more time I will rip your head off"

He smirked at me as more pain kicked my body making me moan.

"Give me your hand" I wretched needing to squeeze something to let my pain out on.

"No way look at it, its all red and about to fall off"

"Give me your other fucking hand then" he moaned as he handed it over. My face felt wet from all the sweat, the hospital dress sticking to my skin and my hair feeling like a wet dog.

After twenty minutes the nurse came back.

"Still hanging on is it?" she said laughing at her unfunny remark receiving a snarl from me. You have to no idea how much I felt like killing her that second.

"Were gonna go for a caesarean" Frank muttered as I held his hand tight in mine.

"Oh about time, I had one for my first child. I'll go tell the doctors"

I waited till she had left the room. "Kill her now, please or I'll do it myself"

Frank just laughed. "It'll all be worth" he stopped mid sentence. I smiled at him as he remembered what I had said earlier.

"This pain is really putting me off having another kid"

"I'll tell you what then, if they invent some thing that makes men be able to carry children like male seahorses, then I'll do it"

"Oh please, you couldn’t last a minute with this pain" The nurse came back with a doctor.

"Hello Mrs Iero, were setting up the caesarean operation for you right now so a few more minutes ." I nodded at him.

As a few minutes passed I was wheeled on my bed into an operating room, Frank followed after he had put on a blue apron like the doctors and nurses.

They placed a screen over my tummy to hide what would be happening to me.

"I'm not happy about this" Frank whispered to me as I felt a numbing feeling take over my body.


"I don’t like the thoughts of other men seeing your pussy"

"Shut up Frank"

"Here we go" The doctor said as I felt a tugging pain happen to me. Those few minutes of silence and slight pains hitting me but not fully due to my body being numbed seemed like forever.

I closed my eyes waiting for the sound of crying.

"Congratulations it’s a boy"

"Why isn't it crying?" Frank asked sounding a bit concerned.

"Some take longer to start to cry, our nurses are just warming it up and getting it used to the atmosphere" As soon as he finished the sentence crying filled the room.

I smiled as a tear of joy fell down my cheeks.

"We'll just clean you up then take you back to your room" The nurse said as she passed the doctor a tool.

The nurse warming our baby boy came over carrying him. I sat up a bit as she passed him over to me. His tiny body filling my arms. Small black tufts of hair popping out of his head. His nose and lips like Franks and his blue eyes like mine.

"He's gorgeous" I muttered silently looking to my husband who was standing next to me with a small smile plastered on his lips and his eyes locked on his new born son. "Frankie"

He broke his eye contact looking at me. "I'm speechless, he's beautiful"

"We'll take you back into your room now, we'll give you your baby after we do a few checks like weight and stuff" I nodded as I handed over my son to the nurse.