From The Lights To The Pavement



I was at the Way's house for a summer barbeque.

"Do we need to change the diaper?"

I shook my head "I did it before we left the house"

He nodded his head looking down to his three month old son in his arms, making me smile. I was blurted out of my small smile as the front door opened revealing Mikey and Gerard's mom.

"Hey Mrs Way"

"Hello Frank" she paused looking at me then our child "hello Darthlene, oh and this must be your gorgeous boy!"

Frank nodded his head smiling a toothy grin.

"Gerard's out back doing the Barbie, not doing a good job if I must say. Gone through two packs of burger buns already. And Mikey's there too, they refuse to answer the door incase of fans. Come through"

I don’t blame the boys for hiding, since the band had gotten bigger they've been stalked out and in so many ways. Some fans are creepy. I hate to use that word usually. Its phoney and I hate it, but its necessary to use when describing them.

"Hey there, and hello there little man" Gerard said walking over to us as we stepped into the garden adorned with a few statues here and there of garden gnomes.

"Gee, he cant understand a word your saying" I laughed at him as he pulled faces towards Holden.

"No, I know he can. Can't you little buddy" he winked at Holden

"You guys gonna get him christened?" Mikey asked walking over after saying a casual hi.

"Nah, but you guys can like be his god parents but its not like made official by a christening. You know what I mean?" Frank mumbled as Holden opened his eyes and moved his arms around slowly a bit.

"Yeah, I do. And you better grow up quick Holdy, I got a lot to teach you about in life!"

"Gerard your gonna scare the shit outta my son" Frank murmured.

"Shut up Iero"

I laughed and followed Mikey to get some drinks.

"So you coping all right?"

"Yeah just feel a bit lonely with the child. You know like its getting too much attention but you know. I should have seen that coming though."

"Don’t worry about it, Mom told me she was like that when she had me"

I nodded my head as I poured Frank and I a drink of orange juice.

"You told Frank?" Mikey asked me as he put the juice carton back in the fridge. I shook my head. "Well maybe give him a warning"

"Mikey, I'll be fine. Thanks anyway"

Mikey might the youngest of us lot, but he probably has the most common sense. Even if he does like taking heaters into showers.

I walked over to Frank sitting on a deck chair next to Ray who was talking to some brown haired male.

"Here" I held out Franks drink. He took it carefully in one hand making sure he was still holding Holden right.

"Here take my seat" Ray said as he stood up following the other man.

"Thanks" I called out after him. "Who was that?

"Some guitar player he brought with him" I nodded my head as I took a sip from my drink.

"You know looking at all the guys in the band here and I would have said I'd least expected me to settle down and start a family first."

I agreed with him. Looking back at the good old school days that’s what I thought. I would have expected Mikey or Bob. "Maybe you were just lucky to find love so quickly!"

"Yeah, lucky that I found you" I smiled at him. "the little mans getting hungry"

"Frank?" I choose to ignore his question.

"Yeah babes?"

"I know Mikey was just gonna tell you this later on, so I'm gonna tell you now" I looked at him not knowing if I should tell him risking sounding selfish and childish.

"Don’t keep me in suspense" he looked at me seriously as if I was going to tell him I was going to die any minute. Which might be true if I had just taken a bite of out Gerards barbeque.

"I feel neglected" I looked away from him feeling guilty.

"Gorgeous, that’s fine. Remember that stupid birth teacher told us that this happened in young mothers. Don’t worry." He smiled at me making me feel better. "How about we drop the little one of at my moms and then go for a nice diner?"

I nodded my head with a small smile on my face. "You know how to treat me right don't you"

"Only the best for my princess"

I leant over and kissed him.

"Were stay a bit longer here, yeah? I'll phone my mom and dad and ask if they can look after Holden."



"I love you"

"I love you too, but if you really love me. Get my cell phone out my pocket?" I laughed as I did as he asked. I held Holden as Frank stood up in front of me and dialled his parents house number.

The conversation he had was plain and simple.


"I'm good, yeah she's good too and yes. He's fine too. Speaking of Holden, would you mind looking after him for the night, just I wanna give Darth some me and her time."

"Thanks mom"


"Four hours"

"See you then, love you. Bye" he hung up his cell and put it in his back trouser pocket.

"I said were drop Holden of at five."

"Okay, that’s fine" I replied.

"Where do you wanna go?"

"Whatever suits you"

"Mc Donald's then, just the right price"

I let out a sarcastic laugh. "What about 'Fillipo's?"

"That new Italian?"


I watched as Gerard came over to us. "Yeah lets go there then" Frank replied as he too watched Gerard.

"You guys gonna stay for diner?"

"Nah, I'm taking Holds to grannies then taking Darth out for a meal"

"Oh, looks like someone's getting pampered tonight"

"I know" I grinned at Frank as he raised his eyebrows to me showing that he felt good for spoiling me.

"You met that dude Ray brought with him Frank?"

"No, who is he anyway? Old school buddies with ray?"

"Nope, met him as one of the roadies for our supporting band"

Frankie made an 'oh' face. "Want some food?" Frank asked me as Gerard went back to grilling sausages.

"Please, just get me a corn on the cob."

"Kay, hang on" I held Holden watching as his eyes moved around and his small whimpers made me smile. "Here" Frank came back and passed me the grub.

As time passed we left the small BBQ and left to drop off Holden at his Gran's.

I sat going through the glove department as Frank clambered back into the car after just dropping Holden of at his parents house.

"You wanna go home and get changed?" Frank asked as he started the car up.

"Yeah, we need too. You have a bit of baby sick on you anyway" I laughed as he made a funny face looking down at his shirt. "Just keep your eyes on the road Iero"

"So I can't even take them off to look at my beautiful wife?"

"no" I paused as he made a sad face concentrating on the road. "later though and I'll definitely let you"

"Can't wait!" I smiled as we drove down the road to our house.