From The Lights To The Pavement



"Holden's been taken to the hospital" I felt my mouth drop as my husband told me those words.

"Why what's wrong?" I asked standing up covering myself with a cover we have on the sofa for cold nights watching films.

"He got all red and itchy, moms taking him to the hospital"

I nodded my head feeling sick of worried butterflies swirling in my tummy. "We should go"

Frankie threw his head back showing he was annoyed about our night being ruined. "I'll the keys"

"Get some clothes on too" I replied as I went upstairs to get changed too.

"Dars, what about the alcohol?" I looked at him unsure of what to do. We had had quite a bit to drink tonight.

"I'll order a taxi now just to be on the safe side" I told him as I picked up the phone.

After I phoned a taxi firm after I got changed, all me and Frankie were waiting on was the taxi arriving right now.

"What do you thinks wrong with him?" I was cuddled into Frankie on our sofa waiting for the taxi to arrive.

"I dunno, I'm sure the doctors will make him better though"

"I hope so" I stood up and looked out our window seeing that the taxi had arrived. "Lets go"

The car ride was quiet and quick since it was four in the morning and the roads were empty apart from the odd one or two vans dropping off early deliveries. AS we arrived at the hospital we paid the driver and made our way into the building.

I was in a queue at reception, "Um do you know where Holden is?" I asked the lady wearing blue and small round glasses.

She looked up at me then looked back to her computer and typed something in.

"Um, excuse me" I repeated again softly.

"I heard you the first time. I'm looking"

I nodded my head, rubbing my eyes trying to keep myself awake. I looked over to Frank next to me, his eyes also showing tiredness.

"Holden Iero?"

"Yeah" I replied to her.

"Ward six" she called over to a nurse behind her pinning something on a board. "Take these two to ward six please Angela"

The lady turned around from the board, "Sure, just follow me"

Frank and I followed her till we were outside a small room.

"In there, just go ahead I'll get the doctor for you"

"Thanks" Frank told her quietly as she walked off.

I followed Frank into the room. There in a small plastic cot lay our son. We stood over him.

"Hello there" A tall doctor came into the room I noticed Franks mom standing outside as he came in.

"Oh doctor, is everything okay?" I asked

"Oh don’t worry everything's fine. We just think that your son had a bit of an allergic reaction." I felt my hearts rate slow down.

"Is that it?" Frank asked looking a bit relieved.


"Do you know what it was from?"

"Well, but the sounds of it. The sheets that his granny put him in. The stuff they must be washed with don't agree with your Childs skin"

"Is that it?" I asked finding it a bit funny, even though it was a sort of serious situation. The doctor nodded his head.

"Just try and find out the stuff used to clean the sheets and try to keep him clear from it and he should be fine"

"So we can take him now?" Frank asked looking at his son.

The doctor nodded his head again, "Nice meeting you Mr and Mrs Iero"

"Thank you for your time doctor" I called out to him as he left the small hospital room.

"Our night ruined because of washing liquid." Frank shook his head with a grin on it laughing to himself.

"Not my fault he's just as sensitive as you!" I replied back

Frank turned to face scrunching up his nose letting out a sarcastic laugh.

"Right lets go home then" I picked up Holden walking out the room with Frank following me.

"Oh is he okay now?" Frank's mom, Linda asked as we walked into the hospital corridor. She had been waiting for us while we were talking to the doctor.

"Yeah, did the doctor tell you what it was because of?" Frank asked his mother as I stood next to him holding my child carefully.

She nodded her head, "I'm so sorry you two, I ruined your night" She bit her bottom lip.

"Mom, its cool. Don’t worry"

"I'll repay you back! Give him to me another night once I use different cleaning stuff on the sheets in the house!" She smiled at Frank and I. "Would you three like a lift home?"

"Yes please" I nodded my head speaking for the three of us.

"Follow me then" Frank and I followed her to her car in the hospitals car park.

Frank opened the BMW's back door and went in the front to join his mother next to the steering wheel.

The drive wasn't too long as we arrived to our house twenty minutes later.

"Thanks mom"

"Bye Linda"

"Bye! Give me a call if you want me to look after Holden!" She smiled and waved as we left the car.

We watched as she drove off.

"What an eventful night" Frank mumbled as he fiddled with the keys opening our front door.

"I'm shattered" I yawned as he finally managed to open the door"

"Here I'll put him to bed" I passed Holden over to Frank and watched as he went upstairs to bed our baby to his bed. I walked into the kitchen turning the lights on. A few baby bottles were scattered around, after cleaning them up I made myself a mug of cocoa. After five minutes Frank came downstairs carrying the baby monitor. I sat down opposite him at the kitchen table drinking my drink.

"I'm wide awake" Frank mumbled with his head in his hands.

"So am I" I paused and took a sip of my hot beverage. "Want some?" I continued

I passed it over as he nodded. "I hate getting woken up. I can never get to sleep. Like now, I'm not going to be able to sleep."

He took a swig on the drink and passed it back to me. "Tonight was gonna be a night for us to get sleep as well" I nodded. He was right, our baby usually is wailing right about now. He must be knackered from all the screaming he's been doing at the hospital though. I put my mug down finishing it.

"Let's go lie down" Frank softly stated standing up and holding out his hand. I placed my delicate hand into his firm grip and followed him up the stairs.

I lay down to the bed next to Frank, both of us being quiet so Holden who was in the corner of our room wouldn't wake up.

We lay quiet for at least half an hour until Frank broke the silence.

"Were still in our clothes"

"I know" I whispered back.

In the faint of the darkness I could just make out Frankie's face. I placed my lips to his. Sharing a 'with tongue' kiss.

"Your amazing" Frankie mumbled against my lips breaking the kiss.

"I learnt it from yours truly" I replied.

I felt him slowly sliding down my pants leaving me in my underwear. I took his shirt of leaving both of us in our underwear.

I broke away before it got pretty full on.


"Our night doesn’t have to be ruined you know!" I could tell he was smirking.

"Wipe that smirk of your face and our son is in the room" I quietly spat back.

"Well I can keep quiet. It's just you who can't"

"Now mister don't get all cocky with me. Or you definitely wont be getting it and how do you know I don’t fake it anyway?"

"Trust me. I know"

& he was right.
I couldn’t fake it if I were a millionaire actress.