From The Lights To The Pavement




I smiled at the scene before me, it's moments like these I have to hold on to and remember to make me happy.

The scene I'm talking about is at the beach.
My baby boy, who isn't quite a baby anymore but a toddler at the age of three, nearly four. Is building a sandcastle with his father, Frank Iero.

As I said he's not really a baby anymore, but to me he'll always be. I thinks its like that for every mother that they don't want their kid to grow up, but just to stay their young beloved one. My mother was like that, she was always worried about me in the world out there for when I grew older. She was right as well. I can tell I'm gonna be cautious when Holden's is in his teens and going around on his own, as I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to him.

I sat on the stripy towel watching Frank show Holden how to use a bucket to make the sandcastle. I laughed out loud as Holden pushed the castle making it topple over onto Franks lap. Frankie smiling and shaking his head looking over to me. I signalled for him to come over, patting the other towel next to me. I watched as he walked over leaving our son a few metres ahead playing in the sand.

"You okay? Getting cold?" Frankie asked sitting down and wrapping an arm around me.

"I'm fine, seriously. Stop worrying!" I replied.

"He can't build a sandcastle for shit you know!" we both laughed.

"Don't worry, I'm sure when he gets older he'll become more manly, just like his daddy"

"I dunno, I think he'll be a shorty" My husband replied.

"No, I can tell he'll be taller than you. Everyone is"

"Hahaha" Frankie laughed sarcastically, he paused in his tracks. "True though" I smiled.

"What do you think he's gonna be when he's older?" I asked, watching as Holden jumped around in the sandcastle he had just formed.

"I think he'll follow in my tracks"

"You think?"

"Well, I'd like him to carry music on in the family. I don’t care whatever he does, just as long as he's happy!"

"Yeah, I'd like to see him build a good reputation for himself, like.." I stammered not really thinking about what my son could be in the future. "I dunno, a boss of a chain of restaurants or clubs or something. Whatever"

Frankie just nodded his head. "You getting hungry? It's nearly lunch time"

I nodded my head looking ahead as our son came stumbling over to us

"Ma, Da hungry" Holden whined. Ma and Da standing for what Frankie and I interpreted as Mom and Dad.

"Mom and I are gonna go get some food for us in a minute! You like that?"

Holden nodded his head wildly, almost as he was head banging to the music Frankie plays to him when they go driving to the park or something together.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked Holden as Frank pulled him onto his lap.

"Sammich" he stated back.

"He needs to stop hanging around with Gerard! Look, he's even saying the words the same as him now! I don’t think I could cope with another Gerard" I moaned to my husband.

"Aahaha, you gotta love Gee though" Frank replied smiling. "We'll go to a small restaurant yeah?"

I nodded my head, "You wont get recognized around here I don’t think" Talking about the area were in. I looked at the sea in front, its small ripples making light, relaxing sounds. "Its too nice and tranquil to leave" I mumbled.

"Ma me hungry though" Holden whispered pushing my leg softly.

"I know baby, just give it five more minutes, kay?" he nodded his head. He's a good boy. Some children I've seen, whether it be in malls or restaurants are always balling and shouting and stuff. But with Holden, he's good as gold. He'll have little tantrums now and again but he knows to be a good boy for his mummy and daddy.

I sighed remembering this relaxing atmosphere wouldn’t last much longer for when we returned to the venue we were due back at in five hours. My Chemical Romance are touring around America having just finished their Europe tour. One month and a bit and then there's a break.

"Go get your bucket Holden, we don’t wanna leave it behind and have to go trailing off to find you a new one." Frank told him as Holden did as he was told.

"He's a good boy our Holden."

"I know thank god" Frank murmured. "Jakes always screaming and shouting, Ray tells me" Frankie told me talking about Ray's son.

"He is only a year old honey"

"I know, but Hold was never that bad was he?"

"You wouldn’t know, you were hardly here Frank and when you were, he was always a good boy at his sleeping patterns. Its like he didn’t sleep on purpose to get me or something." I rubbed my eyes feeling a tiny bit tired.

"Maybe he just missed me."

"He's a daddy's boy"

"Yeah, and a mummy's boy too" Frankie replied back.

"Yeah, but you can tell he wants to be like you when he's older. You even want him to be. You do his hair like yours for Christ's sake Frankie" I laughed as Frankie played a shocked face on his.

"Yes because I want good looks to run in the Iero family"

I laughed as Holden came over watching his 'Da' talk tome with a confused look on his face.

"You hear that Holden? Daddy wants you to be just like him"

I smiled as Holden nodded his head replying, "rockostar"

"Yeah thats right baby" I told him back.

Holden was a younger image of his father. Black hair, cute nose, those perfect lips. His eyes came from me though. Blue icy ones. He really is a gorgeous looking son and one to be proud of.

"sammich" Holden sang out.

"I don’t think he'll be a singer" Frankie laughed as Holden continued singing his word over and over again playing with Frank's shoe laces.

"Come on then boys" Frankie helped me up, before following Holden, as he scattered off to the small car we had hired for the day at the venue were at currently.

I stood looking over the sea as I felt Frankie stand beside me.

"I tell you this way to often, but I stick by it. I love you" His warm breath against my cheek making the cool sea breeze fade away. I smiled at him knowing he knew I had exactly the same feelings for him.

"You know what?" I whispered

"What?" he whispered back

"I think I want this one to be a music teacher" I smiled as I placed a hand on my stomach.

Franks eyes widened hearing me say those words. "You… mean?" he stammered his words.

I nodded my head smiling at the future. "Your gonna be a daddy again"

Franks face immediately plastered itself with a wide smirk, his arms wrapping around me as he pressed his lips to mine.

"How far in are you?" he asked

"Seven weeks" he nodded his head still smiling. I hardly looked pregnant. So it would have been hard for anyone to guess. As I only had morning sickness twice, much less than I had with Holden.

"I love you Daddy Iero"

"I love you Mommy Iero"

We both smiled at each other as Holden came running over joining in the hug.
I wonder how he'll react to hearing the news.
& if he'll be one of those jealous kids who think their sister or brother will be more loved.