From The Lights To The Pavement



The whole of the band was sitting in the lounge area watching a film which had just come to an end.

"Come on Holds, bed time" Frankie told Holden as he picked him up from my lap.

"Lemme say night nights then" Frankie put Holden down without a word knowing our son likes to say good night to everyone.

"night Bobsy, night night Ray-Ray, night Mikey" he told all the guys as he gave them each a small hug.

"Hey little guy where's my hug?" Gerard moaned feeling left out. The room was filled with laughter as Holden ran over to him trying to suffocate him what looked like with a hug. "Smell you later Gerry" Gerard scrunched up his face.

"Darls you coming?" Frankie asked as he followed Holden to the small bedroom area on the bus. I nodded as I slowly got up from my seat.

There's a small area on the top of the bus for where Frankie and I sleep as well as Holden. The others sleep below on the first level of the coach.

"Come on baby we Gotta get you dressed" I sighed feeling a wave of tiredness sweep over my body.

"Blue pj's?"

"Yup" I changed him into his favourite blue pyjamas before laying him into his bed. I stood next to Frankie as he tucked Holden in. "Night night baby"

"Night son"

"No wait" Holden moaned as we turned to leave.

"Yeah babe?" Frankie asked in his usual cool tone.

"How was my baby brother or sister made?"

Frank and I looked at each other with wide eyes unsure how to answer the question we had been dreading for a bit.

"Umm….. Frank why don't you tell our son?"

I laughed as my husband gave me the evils for making him be the one to tell our son about the life cycle.

"I know, why don’t you ask Gerard" Frank told him with a smile.

"I did, I did. He said to ask you Dad"

"bastard" Frankie muttered under his breath.

"Looks like he beat you to the pip" I laughed

"Dad, tell me"

"Okay. okay" Frankie paused stammering. "Its like when mom and dad love each other very much and Daddy gives mommy a present, which grows into baby"

I laughed at the statement he had just told our son. "Would you like to tell him a different method then if you find it so funny?" Frank smiled at me asking.

"No that was just fine" I replied rubbing his chest.

"Ma can I get a drink?" Holden asked as he rubbed his eyes from tiredness.

"Yeah, I'll just get you one" I replied as I went off to get him a glass of water.

With the glass in my hands I walked up to Holden to see him talking to his father.

"Da, sing me a lullaby"

"You should be asking Gerard to do this but fine."

I smiled at the sight of my husband singing 'Early sunsets over Monroeville' to our child. I stood there for five minutes until Frankie stopped singing and turned around.

"Shit, I didn’t know you were there" he whispered as he jumped.

I walked over to Holden's bed side and placed the drink on the small table. "You sing beautifully"

"Thanks" he paused as he watched me yawn. Opening his arms I walked into them for a hug. "Lets go to sleep" he whispered into my ear. I followed him to our bed a few steps away from Holden's. The weather here in Pennsylvania at the moment is rather hot so Frankie and I got under the covers in our underwear.

"Night gorgeous" Frankie whispered placing a perfect kiss on my lips considering the lights were off up here.

"Night night" I replied as I pressed my lips to his again. We kissed for a good few minutes until I pulled away. "I'm not tired anymore." I whispered being careful not to wake Holden. Frank just placed his lips to mine again as he tugged at my pants.

"Frankie, we cant. Holden" I stated

"We've done it loads of times before" he muttered against my flesh.

"Yeah, but we hadn't just put him to bed" I sighed as he bit my soft spot by my ear.

"We'll be even more quiet than we have been before"

"Fine" I mumbled giving in.

The night was spent making slow love.