From The Lights To The Pavement




"I feel really bad for your mom" I muttered to Frankie as I looked at a mirror in front of me while I applied some make-up on.

"I asked her if she'd mind and she said no" he paused as he laced up his shoes "Its cool, don't worry"

"Yeah, but travelling all the way out here"

"It's only two hours from hers, its fine"

"If you insist" I replied.

"Mooooom" Holden whined as he came running over to me.

"Yes?" I asked as I sat him on my lap.

"Granny taking me now" I let out a small smile at my son.

"Oh okay. I'll miss you baby"

I smiled at Linda as she stood by the door waiting for Holden.

"Can I get a kiss?" I whispered in Holden's ear.

"Yeah" I smiled as he placed a wet kiss on my cheek. "And one for my brother" He continued as he kissed my belly.

"And how do you know you wont get a sister?" I asked laughing

"Cos I want a brother so I'm gonna get one" I laughed again at his comment.

I looked at Linda's shocked face. "Frank is there something your not telling me?" She asked as she looked from my tummy to her son.

"Oh yeah, Darl and I got another kid on the way" He muttered as he stood up from doing his shoes.

"Frank you say that like its a normal thing. Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"We didn’t want a fuss" He replied.

"Oh well congratulations Darl, you lucky thing getting to have another child with my son" she told me sarcastically.

"Mom, your embarrassing yourself. Go please"

"Fine then. Come on Holden."

"Holden say goodbye to Daddy first" Frankie said loudly looking from his mother to him.

"Bye dad, loves you"

"I love you more" I smiled as they hugged, until Frankie broke away carrying Holden and handing him over to his mother.

"Bye Linda" I shouted as she left

"Bye mom" Frankie snapped after her.

She replied with "Bye you two"

The small room was filled with silence for a few moments. "Frankie honey. Don’t be so rude to your mom she's taking Holden within very short notice be thankful"

"Yeah, I know. She gets annoying though"

I stood up from my chair uncreasing my purple long jumper dress I had put on for the restaurant the band and I were going to tonight. I walked over to Frankie wrapping my arms around him.

"Sorry Darls, I didn’t mean to be rude"

"I know you didn't" I replied as I stroked his tattooed arms.

"I'm thinking of getting a new one" he softly said talking about his tattoos.

"Oh yeah. Whats that?"

"One on my ass saying Darls' property" I laughed as I looked at his cheeky grin plastered onto his face.

"Whatever. What are you really gonna get?"

"Maybe a small one with the kids names in it" He paused as he kissed my cheek. "I'll wait until we name this one though" I nodded as he gently rubbed my belly which had just gotten on the verge of getting big.

"Come on, we were meant to meet the rest of the guys in the lounge seven minutes ago" Frankie said as he looked at the time. I followed him out of the hotel room into an elevator which took us to the ground level.

"Oh thank the lord your finally here" Mikey muttered. "What were you doing, making more Holdens?" I looked over to Mikey with a shocked face.

"Huh? What? How do you know?"

"Know what?" Mikey asked back

"He doesn’t know. He must just think we have sex a lot" Frankie whispered into my ear

"Oh" I sighed

"He's not wrong though is he" I laughed at Frankie as he winked at me.

"Can we get going then. I want food." Ray asked everyone as we all replied with nods and yeses.

The drive to the restaurant was by taxi. Thankfully the driver didn't look like the type who knew who the hell My Chemical Romance were.

"We have a booked table I think your find" Gerard told the Italian waiter who had welcomed us by the door.

"Oh right this way" We followed the male waiter to a table surrounded by chairs.

"For you my lady" The waiter told me as he flashed a toothy smile at me and a wink pulling out the chair for me.

I smiled back thankful for his gesture. "Thank you"

I watched as Frankie exchanged a look with the waiter like 'back off she's mine'. The look embarrassed me. "Frankie what was that for" I hissed at him quietly so no one else would hear.

"He was flirting with you" he replied in the same tone.

"No he wasn't you idiot, he was doing his job"

I suddenly felt all hot and flustered from being angry at Frankie. Don’t get me wrong I love him with all my heart, but sometimes he just gets under my skin for small snappy things.

"Babe sorry" I whispered to Frankie again, not being happy with being on rough terms.

He looked at me but didn’t reply. I placed my hand on my tummy hoping he'd know what I mean. He nodded his head showing he did. Carrying around children makes me get snappy easily, it happened all the time with Holden and its all ready happening with this one on the way.

"So whats everyone having?" Bob asked the table as he set down his menu.

"Pasta" Gerard and Ray replied. Mikey didn’t answer as he fiddled around with his glasses bringing the menu nearer and further away from himself every few seconds as if he couldn’t read.

"Do you wanna share a large margherita?" Frankie asked me as I nodded my head to him.

A few minutes went by until a new waiter came and took our orders. The other one must not have wanted to be around us since Franks glare.

"So why the meal tonight? We've never had one before" I asked the table as I sipped on my water.

"it’s the anniversary of the band forming" Gerard replied with a proud smile.

"So many good memories" Frankie added in.

"So many good shows" Ray also added.

"So many good shows and memories still to come" Mikey replied as pushed his glasses up his nose.

"I wonder what we'll all be like in the future" Gerard sighed. I smiled as I felt Frank slip his hand into mine and gently squeeze it.

"Well Darls and I know what's round the corner in the future for us"

"Go on then" Ray replied sounding a bit excited.

"We got another Iero on the way" Frankie told his best friends proudly.

"Congrats!" Gerard squealed as Ray said it more appropriately.

"You go little dude" Bob told Frankie as he patted his back sitting next to him.

"Well that’s one thing we know those two are gonna be like in the future. Their gonna have kids everywhere" Mikey laughed at his comment as the rest of us just looked at him not impressed and have already figured that out a while back.

"Yeah so anyway" Gerard said shaking his head in shame.

The night was full of talking about memories,
Good food,
And the company of each other.