From The Lights To The Pavement



"I dunno, he's just gotten rude suddenly the past few days" I told Gerard as we walked over to some seats after just having ordered and got some drinks for us at Starbucks. I was telling Gerard about something I had noticed in Frankie recently.

"I know why" Gerard replied with a cheeky grin.

"Well tell me then" I said as we both sat down.

"Only if I get a taste of your frappacino" he replied still with a cheeky smile played across his face.

"Ughh fine" I muttered as I pushed it across the table top to him, watching as he took a quick drink passing it back. "Well?"

"Yeah its tasty"

"No you dipshit. I mean why's Frankie moody?"

"When he phoned his Mom to get Holden the other day, she had a go at him" He paused as he took a sip out of his drink. "She said that his main priority in life needs to his family and not the band"

"Yeah we are his main priority, he does his best to look after us"

"Well his Mom doesn't think so, and maybe he thinks shes right"

"Well I'll tell him I know we are later"

"Don't tell him I said anything"

"Yeah okay" I replied to Gee knowing Frankie would figure out it was him who told me anyway.

"So hows the celebrity life?" I asked Gerard wanting to change the subject and nearly finishing my beverage.

"Oh its nothing. Hectic with all the interviews and shows, but you get used to it." I smiled at my optimistic best friend.

"Hows Holden?"

"He's doing fine from what I heard yesterday on the phone. I'm gonna phone him again tonight. I miss even though its been a few days" I replied thinking of my only son.

"Well if you think about it, you have one of your children with you"

I laughed at his reply as I placed a hand on my tummy thinking of the person in me. "What do you think it'll be?"

"I'm no psychic but I'm thinking your gonna get another boy"

"Frankie wants a girl"

"He'd be stealing their make-up when their older!"

"So would you!" I sneered back.

"Yeah… True"

"I wouldn’t mind a little girl." I smiled at the thought. "You know I could take her shopping, do her hair. Small things like that"

"So is this gonna be your last kid?"

"If it’s a girl then yeah maybe, I mean were still be busy if it is. You know what I mean"

"Too much information" I stopped Gerard in his tracks not caring that it was.

"But if it is another boy. I'm gonna make Frankie give me a girl" I sighed as I placed my empty drink down.

"well I know one thing for sure."

"What's that?" I asked him.

"the kids are all gonna be beautiful" I felt my cheeks go slightly crimson.

"Thanks Gee" I gushed.

"No problem" He placed his plastic cup next to mine. "Finished?" I nodded my head "Come on then lets go, its getting busy" I followed Gerard out of the café and onto the streets.

"Can you remember where to go from here?" I asked not being sure myself.

"Um… I think so" he replied slowly.

I should have known better than to take his word.


"Finally" I muttered as Gerard opened the door to the tour bus for me.

An hour later and we had made it to our destination. The tour bus.

"Yeah well, it was that drink. They must have put something in it to make me forget"

I scoffed at his excuse. "Whatever"

I slumped myself onto the maroon leather seats on the bus. Sighing as my feet got a rest from all the walking we had just done. Closing my eyes for a quick rest.

"About fucking time too! Where the hell where you?" A few seconds later I opened my eyes to see a pissed off Frankie.

"Oh, hello to you too!" I mumbled back.

"Well?" was his reply.

"We got lost" I stated.

"I'll be in the toilet if you guys need me" Gerard added in before Frankie carried on.

"I was worried about you. I tried phoning you on your cell, but you left it here. I was worried."

"But you knew I was with Gerard, so I was safe"

"Yeah still. What if a group recognised him and you got split up?"

"Franks, give it a rest. I'm pregnant that’s all. You don’t need to worry about me just because of that. I can take care of myself!" My energy was running low and my voice disappearing.

"I know. I just want you to be safe" He set his body down next to mine on the seat. "I'm sorry" he whispered as he inspected his hands.

"It's okay, I should have taken my cell with me. I forgot.."

He just nodded his head as he placed a small kiss on my left cheek.

"I just want you and my kid to be safe"

"I know, I know" I muttered closing my eyes. I remembered what Gerard had told me at the café. "You never got angry with me when I didn’t tell you where I was going when I was carrying Holden" I pointed out.

"Yeah.." He stammered thinking of words to say. "Well… I just don’t want Holden growing up with out a mother."

"That might be true, but I know what's really making you say that" I looked at him as he looked at me, our eyes connecting as they have done so many times before. So many times before have both been able to read each others feelings through our eyes too. This being one of them.

"Go on then tell me"

"Your Mom" I just simply said as I stroked his cheek.

"Let me guess? Gerard?"

"I'm not saying" I replied as I did a sign across my lips showing they were sealed.

"Well maybe she's right" Frankie replied raising his eyebrows.

"Frankie, she's not right though. We know you love us don't worry, don’t let her words bring you down. Because their making you worry, which is making you get snappy and rude. Okay?"

"Yeah but.."

I interrupted him. "Keep quiet. Just do as I say" I told him as I placed a kiss on his lips.

"I like the dominatrix side of you" he grinned as he placed another kiss on my lips.

"Spare me" Gerard said shielding his eyes as he came out the toilet.

"Yeah, well I would if you didn’t go around telling the stuff I tell you" Frankie retorted back.

"Frankie baby. What did I just tell you?" He looked at me knowing what I meant.

"Oh so you told him, I told you, did you?" Gerard asked me.

"I guessed" Frankie told him.

"Sorry Gee. He knew it was you since you were the only person he told"

I looked at Frank as he shot Gerard a cheeky grin.

"Bastard" Gerard muttered before leaving the room.

"I love you really Gerry" Frankie shouted after him.

"I love you too gorgeous" Gerard replied back after a few seconds.

I laughed at the two pretending to be a couple.

"Don't worry, you’re the only person I really love as well as my son and my other kid on the way" Frankie whispered into my ear before standing up in front of me.

"Frankie, are we gonna phone Holden now?"

He looked at his watch on his right arm taking his time to read the small clock. "Yeah" I watched as he picked up his cell lying next to another one on the small side table connected to the bus wall. He dialled the numbers and waited a few seconds before speaking. The conversation went something like:

"Hey Dad, is everything ok?"

"Yeah good. Everythings fine here too"

"Naah not sure"

"Cool. Is Holden there?"


There was a pause as what I guess was Frankie's Dad getting Holden onto the phone.

"Hey little man" "How things going? "Yeah, Smellys fine"

I laughed as I heard what must have been my son talking about Gerard as he calls him 'Smelly'.

"You wanna speak to Mom?"

I smiled as Frankie held the phone out to me, I took it and placed it to my ear.

"Hey baby" I smiled into the phone feeling my insides feel all warm from hearing my sons voice.

"Hiiiiiii Ma"

"How are you?"

"Good, we went to the park and films today" he replied in his childish voice

"Oh wow, what did you see?" my smile still lingering on my lips as Frankie placed his arms around me from behind placing his two hands on my small baby bump.

"Dinosaur film. How's brother?"

"Yeah their good." I laughed remembering how Holden wanted the baby to be a boy.

"Ma, my dinners nearly ready so betta go"

"Oh okay baby. Talk soon. I love you"

"Love you and Dad too" And with that I heard the other line click.

I laughed as I hung up too. "He said he loves you Daddy" I told Frankie as I spun around in his arms to face him. He laughed as he shook his head.

"So what do you wanna do all afternoon?"

"Watch films and be lazy"

"You gonna watch us perform tonight? Frankie asked as he brushed some hair out of my face.

"Depends if I feel tired"

"Come on then" Frankie sighed as he held out his hand, leading me to the lounge area where we spent the rest of the day watching films until Frankie needed to start to get ready for his performance that night.