From The Lights To The Pavement



"Mom look what I drew at school"

"Yeah that’s nice Holden" I Sighed as I looked over at Angelina. "Was he any trouble?"

"No, just perfect"

"Thanks, see you tomorrow" I replied to one of my close friends who picks Holden up from school everyday just to give me some time. I take my part in getting Holden to school though myself. I closed the door behind Angelina as she left.

"Mom" You haven't looked at my drawing yet" I moaned as I heard Zeke my two year old son cry in his bed upstairs.

"Look, I need to see your brother. Show me it later"
"But Mom"

"Holden not now, go watch some telly" I shouted at him as I ran upstairs to tend to my young son. I cradled him in my arms as tears fell down his face. "Is baby hungry?" I whispered as I knew he was hungry as he usually is around about now" I went downstairs holding him carefully.

I sighed as I saw Holden watch the telly in silence with his arms crossed, in a mood with me for ignoring him.

I took Zeke into the kitchen and gave him some food before placing him in front of the telly on the ground to watch.

"Holden, don’t be in a mood with me"

"whatever" he said back bluntly, I rolled my eyes.

I slouched myself into the sofa next to him. "You have an attitude like your father you know that" I smiled as I saw my husband in my child. "Holden, I'm sorry. How about you show me that drawing now?"

Holden smiled at me as he ran off coming back with a piece of paper in his hands.

"We had to draw a monster"

"Holden, that’s brilliant!" I looked at my son as he smiled at me. "Lets put it on the fridge" He followed me to the fridge as I placed the drawing on it amongst all the other drawings he's done at school with a magnet. "Were running outta room you know!"

"Not my fault I'm a good drawer!" I watched as he ran off to finish watching his telly programme.

"Must be your dad" I muttered to the children as I made my way towards the phone.

"Hello?" I called into the phone.

"Hey gorgeous"

"Frankieeeeeee" I whined into the phone I made myself a cup of tea using my other spare hand since my other was holding the phone to my ear.

"I miss you" he replied, I could tell me was smirking.

"Yeah well, what time you arriving tomorrow?"

"The plane arrives around six, me and the guys were wondering if you could pick us up"

"You won't all fit in the car"

"We'll see how many get in, then the others can get a taxi"

"okay" I paused, "I miss you, cant you come now"

"Just one more night without your handsome husband. Your survive"

"Mhmm" I moaned

"How are my boys?"

"There fine. Holden's been drawing again at school"

"Little artist in the making he is, babes I gotta go now. See you tomorrow. I'll phone you if the planes delayed"

"Okay, love you"

"love you, bye" I placed the phone on the kitchen counter before taking a sip of my drink I had just made.

"Mom" Holden shouted form the lounge.

"Yes" I replied as I walked into the room.

"Watch this film with me please"

"Move up then" I placed myself next to him bringing Zeke onto my lap.

I smiled to myself at the sound of the house just being filled with the noise of the television and the fact that my two sons are sitting with me watching a film.

I'm just excited that I'll see my husband after him being on tour for two months tomorrow.

I love my life.