From The Lights To The Pavement



"There he is!" I looked down at Holden holding my hand.

"You've been saying that every minute, your father's not that small that we can miss him"

"There he is" Holden exclaimed again I looked to where he was pointing.

"Honey, I'm sure your father hasn’t let himself go that far on tour" I sighed as I looked at a fat man wearing some fluorescent shirt, I scrunched my nose up at the fashion mistake. "And your father has a good fashion sense too" I shook my head softly looking at a clock on a screen showing plane times. "He should be here soon. It's been half an hour"

"Momma can I hold Zeke" I shook my head looking at my youngest son in my arms. "No later, he's sleeping right now"

"But Mom"

"Honey please, later"

"There he is" Holden shouted

"You've said that 16 times today, I doubt it is" I shook my head looking to where he was pointing for the umpteenth time. I squinted seeing a shape come running towards me. I smiled as I recognized my husband and Gerard. I stood still waiting for them to come to me since running with a baby in my arms isn't very safe.

I closed my eyes and smiled to myself as my husband came up to me kissing me on the cheek and dropping his suitcase by his side.

"Hey gorgeous"

"I missed you Frankie" I looked at the wide smile on his face as he saw Zeke in my arms. "Hold him" I said passing Zeke to his daddy. "Hi Gerry"

"Hey Darl" I hugged my best friend. "Hello Holden buddy old pal"

I laughed as Gerard lowered himself to Holden's height and gave him a high five. "Hello Gee face"

I waved as the other band members came over with their suitcases, "Hey guys" I greeted them all with hugs.

"We should get going before we get recognised" Frankie told me with Zeke over his shoulder being held with his right hand and Frankies left hand holding Holdens.

"Ooh look at you Mister Popular" I laughed as I picked up my husbands bag. I smiled as he winked at me

The guys followed me to the parking area at the airport, where we then split up. Ray coming with Frankie and I and the kids.


"This is the life" I let out a small laugh as my husband held me in his arms, were currently watching the TV with our sons. On the way home we dropped Ray, just leaving us together to be a family.

"Shhh Daddy I can't hear the telly" Both of us laughed as Holden moaned.

"How about I make us dinner tonight" Frank whispered into my ear.

"Yeah I'd like that" I whispered back.

He's right this is the life.