From The Lights To The Pavement



I moaned as I woke up to the usual Monday I wake up to.
Zeke crying and Holden waking me up.

"Mom" Holden wailed as he tugged at my sheets.

"What is it Holden?" I felt the bed move as what I presumed as Frankie sitting up.

"Dad, school"

I moaned as I sat up too. "Go get changed then" I told him before letting out a yawn. I turned to face Frank as Holden ran out the room. "I'll go see to Zeke"

I laughed as Frank moaned, "Morning gorgeous" I smiled as he gave me my morning kiss "Last night was amazing" I laughed as I stood up getting out of bed and tended to Zeke. After changing his nappy and feeding him in his nursery I carried him downstairs to see Holden and Frankie eating cereal.

"Hurry up Holden" I placed Zeke On the sofa sitting down next to him.

"I'll take Hold to school today" I looked at Frankie.

"You sure?"

"Yeah" I nodded not complaining of having to do more work around the kids today.

"Right come on then" Frank told Holden as he stood up from his chair.

"I need the toilet" Holden replied before running off.

"Hurry up" Frankie shouted out after him.

"You gonna come back after dropping him off?"

"Do we need anything at the shops?"

I shook my head, "Did the shopping on sunday"

"Okay, well lets get going" Frankie told Holden.

"See you mammy"

"Byeeeeee" I shouted at the two.



"Franks?" I looked over from washing my hands and saw Frankie holding his hand as some blood gushed out.

"I was cooking and the knife cut me"

"come here" I signalled for him to come over and wash his hands.

"Ouch" he squealed.

"Aww baby"

"It hurts" he moaned

"It's just a small scratch" I laughed

"I know"

"There we go" I turned the tap off and placed a small kiss on his hand. "Better?"

"Mhhm yeeah"

"Let me get a bandage"

"Thanks" I ran off getting a plaster from the First aid kit in the bathroom. After coming downstairs I placed it on his hand. "You do look after me don’t you"

I smiled nodding my head. "I swore when we did our wedding vows to look after you and thats what I'm doing"

"I love you"

"I love you too" I replied softly.


NOTE: So, I've got a lot os people who have subscribed to this story,
but hardly any feedback ):
I don't wanna waste my time writing a story for no one.
So feedback please (:
-rant iz over-
thank you xxxxx