From The Lights To The Pavement



It was the end of the day, thankfully. It had been better than I thought it would be. The first day of going to a brand new school always ends up horribly, especially in those cheap teen movies, but my first day at Portyr High wasnt too bad. I had made some new friends and even understood what I had been taught.

I walked back home and arrived to an empty house. I was hungry and needed a snack so went to the fridge. Mum had left me a note stuck to the fridge saying she had gone to a job interview. Mum, get a job. Never.

There was a knock at the door. My mind didnt even trigger to think that it could be some weirdo wanting to kidnap me, so I opened the door without thinking who it could be.

Suddenly a bunch of people whacked into me. I thought I was getting robbed so punched the first person I saw.

“Fuck what was that for?“

“Oh my god, im so sorry I thought you were going to rob me or something.“

Now I had time to look who it was, it was the gang. And I had just punched Gerard in the face.

I rushed him upstairs into my room through to my new bathroom where there were still some boxes unpacked. I found a flannel and placed it under some cold water then handed it to Gerard to hold against his cheek.

“Im really sorry Gerard.“

“Nah, dont worry. It wasnt that hard.“

“Are you calling me weak?“

“Maybe, Maybe not.“

I playfully punched him on his arm.

“Whoah enough punches for me today. “

We both laughed, and after a few seconds of silence went downstairs to see what the rest of our friends were doing.

Mikey was sitting eating the apple that was meant for my breakfast, and Ray was fiddling with his hair like a nervous little girl. Bob and Frank kept their eyes stuck on the telly watching one of my dads old films.

“What you watching? “ I asked
“Clockwork Orange.“ Bob replied.
“Dont you have any vampire films?“ Gerard wondered and sat between Bob and Frank.

I shook my head and went to sit down on a pillow astray on the floor. I could feel eyes watching me. I looked up from studying the pen marks on my hand to see Frank staring at me, our eyes met. We both looked away at the same time to watch the moving pictures on the telly. Even though our eyes caught for a millisecond, they felt like they were locked for eternity.


I stood up. “Anyone want a drink?“

“Whisky will be great for me“. Bob chuckled. As everyone else just stared blankly at him. “Joke“ he said to break the silence.

“Ill come help you“, Gerard stood up and followed me to the kitchen.

He sat on the tabletop as I rummaged around in my fridge to find some beverages. Gerard coughed signalling for me to turn around and listen to what he had to say. Which I did.

“I think Frank likes you“. He simply stated.

“Gerard what are you going on about? He hardly knows me“.

I couldnt hope but hope he was right thinking Frank liked me.

“Let me explain“. Gerard told me. “Frank is usually a clumsy little jester, but since he saw you at lunch he has been completely different. Well thats my theory“

I took in what Gerard had told me and walked back to the lounge with the drinks on a tray, and placed them down on the floor. Gerard went back to his seat between Frank and Bob. Mikey went to get one of the drinks as well as did Bob and Ray.

“How do you guys even know I live here? And why are you here?“

“we followed you and wanted to get a break from school before we have to back and board tonight.“ Bob replied not taking his eyes off the telly for one second.

“You stalkers! You guys sleep at the school for a whole week?“

“Yep. Were allowed to hang out places before seven thirty though. Then we have to go back and sign in and get tucked in for beddy bo time“. Mikey added. “you should board its fun when you share a room with people that you like“.

“Yes, but Darla wouldnt be able to stay with us. Shes a girl, and you know what would happen“. Gerard told Mikey.

“No what would happen?“ Mikey wondered.

“Well, wed all be drooling over her when she changes“. Gee paused, “Especially Frankie“.

“What the hell?“ Frank asked Gerard going all red faced.

There was a sound at the door. Then there was silence. We all looked at each other. Some one was trying to get in.

“Maybe its an alien“. Mikey whispered.

“SHHHHH“ We all chorused together apart from Mikey obviously taking the hint to be quiet.