From The Lights To The Pavement




The bell rang showing that lunchtime had arrived, and as usual the gang met outside by the oak tree in the schools surroundings. It was coming up to the Christmas ball and that was all that the whole school was talking about.

"I think Ill ask that hot chick from my science lesson" Bob stated.

"AHAHH, the dinner ladies wouldnt even say yes to you!" Ray replied nearly wetting himself with laughter.

"Well, Ive already found the right person." Mikey said out of the blue. Everyone looked at him in disbelief.

"What can I say? Im a natural ladies man." The whole group fell into fits of laughter of how Mikey though he was the hottest dude in the school.
I mean he isnt that bad, but Frank. WOAH. Shut up! why am I thinking about Frank?

"What bouts you Darla?" Gerard asked me.

He knew no one had asked me, I wasnt the most idolised girl at school, to be asked to the ball by a boy.

"I dont think Ill come."

The school bell rang, and we all got up to go to our lessons.

We all got up dreading this afternoons lessons, but knew we couldnt afford to be late or detention would ruin our day.

All the rest of the gang were in front of me heading up the stairs to go their lessons when I heard a voice.

"Dar, can I talk to you?" I turned around I saw Franks lustful eyes staring back into mine.

"Yeah sure Frankie, whats up?" I tried to keep cool.

"I know we dont really talk much, like you do with the rest of the gang, but I was erm." he stammered. "willyougototheballwithmeplease". He spat the last part out super fast.

I noticed he was turning red. "Erm, sorry. What did you say?"

He looked back hurt. What had I said that was wrong?

"It doesnt matter, just forget it." He spat. And walked off into the school building with his head hanging down and his hands in his pockets.

I was left there standing in the wind, not knowing what I had done wrong.

I didnt talk much for the rest of the afternoon in the lessons. I had a sick feeling in my stomache, I guess it was the feeling that Frank hated me. I dont see why he should hate me though, all I did was not understand what he had said.

I had just arrived home from school and sat down on the sofa. I just sat there for a few minutes trying to get the dirt out my nails while thinking what I should do about Frank.

"Stupid boy, what have I even done. He never talks to me" I muttered to myself.

The doorbell suddenly rang.

"Probs mom." I thought to myself.

I opened the door only to be met by Gerards cheery face.

"What do you want?" I asked with no expression.

"What, your not even going to ask me in or say hi?" he replied.

I gestured my hand to the living room. He happily went there with me closing the front door behind him to go onto follow him into the living room.

"Okay, so what do you want? Im not in the mood today." I asked him again.

"So you going to the ball with the Frankster then?"

"What? No, he hasnt even asked me."

"Son of a bitch. He said hed do it today."

"Shit" I murmured, loud enough for Gerard to hear.

"What?" He asked back.

"He might have done."

"What do you mean he might have done? He did or he didnt?"

"I dont know. He did want to ask me something this afternoon, and I think he did ask me something, but I didnt understand what he had asked me. He said it too quick."
It all made sense now.

"So what do you think he asked then."

"For me to go to the ball?"

"Are you blonde?" Gerard asked me jokingly. "Of course he did!"

I let out a big smile. "Well what am I going to do?"

"Ill get him to ask you again if I can. What do I mean if I can. I will!"

"Thanks Gee" I hugged Gerard for being such a good mate in this case.

"So what we going to do tonight?" He asked after the hug.

"Mhhmmm, how about some food and films?"

"No homework then?"

"Since when do you or I do homework?"

We both grinned together at the same time.