Step Brother


The rest of the night Alex and Jack were bothering me, they kept saying it would be creepy if i dated Zack and that if we dated we'd get all touchy feely when were in the same room. Weirdos. The next morning i woke up to my cell phone beeping, i rolled over and picked it up and it said i had a text. It was from my best friend Bailey it said: Hey im bord, lonely and miss you!. Can i come and stay with you until tommarow?. Even though i moved i still lived like a half hour away from my old house. I got excited and called Bailey. After a few rings she picked up.

"Hello?" she said

"Hey Bailey!" i said

"Hey!" she said excited

"I got your message!, you so need to sleep over!" i said

"Yes!, my parents already said yes but i have a soccer game this morning and they said they'll need to leave as soon as they drop me off at home afterwards. So i need a ride" she said

"Oh, well i'll ask my mom if you can stay over, im sure she'll say yes. And then i'll ask her if we can get you and i'll text you. Okay?" i asked

"Sounds good" she said

"Okay i'll talk to you later, bye!" i said

"Bye" she said

I ran downstairs and into the kitchen and saw my mom and Steven talking. I walked over to them and sat at the counter.

"Mom, can Bailey come over today and sleepover" i asked

"Sure" my mom said and Steven nodded

"Okay, can we pick her up her parents are busy" i said

"Oh, well were busy to. Maybe Alex and Jack can do it" she said

"Do what?" Alex asked walking in with Jack

"Alex do you think you guys could take Renae to pick up her friend Bailey later?" Steven asked

"Uhmm i guess" he asked

"Really?! thanks!" i said

I went back to my room and texted her and told her we were coming. We decided that me, Alex and Jack would leave to get her at 12, I walked downstairs and told Alex and he agreed. Later that day we went to pick up Bailey, it took us almost a little over a half hour to get to her house. We got lost twice since i suck at giving directions. When we got to her house Alex honked the horn and a few minutes later she came running out.

"Renae!" she said getting in the car and she hugged me

"Hey!, i missed you!" i said

"I missed you to!" she said

"Good!, Bailey this is my brother Alex and his friend Jack. Guys this is Bailey" i said letting her go and introducing them to eachother

"Hi" Bailey said

"Hey" Jack and Alex said as Alex started to drive away

Later that night me and Bailey were hanging out in my room. While were hanging out i heard Jack and Alex making noise next door, they were screaming stuff that made no sense and one of them was playing guitar horribly. We tryed to ignore them and a few minutes later they stopped. Then the burst through my bathroom door. Alex had no shirt on and Jack had a hoodie tied around his head.

"Hey girlfriend!' Alex said sitting on my bed

"Why are you half naked?" i asked

"We were just partying duhhhh" Alex said and him and Jack started dancing with eachother

"You two are insane" i said

"I dont no i find them entertaining" Bailey said

"Thank you!" Alex said

"Renae you know you love us!" Jack said grabbing me in a tight hug

"Yeah sure" i said

"Yay!, who wants to have a sleepover party in Alex's room?!" Jack said

"Sure, wanna Bailey?" i said it was hard to resist Jack, i was finding him and Alex less annoying. Plus i had a feeling it would be really fun

"Totally!" she said

"Yay!" he said

"Where are we gonna sleep?" i asked

"My beds big enough for all of us" Alex said

"Oh, okay" i said

We went to Alex's room and sat on the floor and played Monopoly. It was deffinetly the most interesting game of Monopoly ive ever played, Alex was arguing with Jack about how Jack needed to stop buying all the propertys. After a hour we all quit. Then Jack got the best idea ever, spinny chair races. We grabbed Alex's chair and mine and went in the hall to race.

"So who wants to go first?" i said

"Me!" Jack and Bailey said

"Alright go for it" i said and they got on the chairs

"Alright ready?, 3...2...1 go!" Alex said and they were off

"Ahh!, cheater! you cant push people into walls!" Jack said

"Uhmm yes she can" i said

"Hah! im winning!" Bailey said turning back around at the end of the hall

"No i am!" Jack said not far behind

All of a sudden out of nowhere Jack gained a lot of speed. He rammed Bailey into a wall and pushed off hard and put his legs up and spun really fast. He hit me and Alex and Alex fell dragging me down with him.

"Owww" me and Alex said

"Yes! i win!" Jack said happy

"Your a hazzard" Alex said said sitting up
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