

I wasn't hoping that he would like me, I actually just wanted to have the guts to tell him how I liked him. But God was just so great and gave me so much more than I hope for. Becuase now, he knows and all is well.

'Hey, want to go to the library instead?' He said, as he looked down at me with both his eyebrows raised. 'If it's okay with you that is,' he added as he looked away and leaned on the wall.

We were there standing under a closed museum door. We didn't really plan things to go this way. Actually, we didn't plan anything on that day but it everything just happened, and for some weird reason, I was fine with it. I was totally fine with it. Well, we were suppose to go 'inside' the museum but we ended up staying outside becuase it was CLOSED. We already had doubts when we decided to come here, so yeah. It wasn't really a complete bummer. The thought that I was with him that day was all I needed to know and I won't let a closed museum ruin that. *smiling while typing this*

'Sure,' I said flashing a smile at him. Great, I might find a new book up there. Good to know we're on the same page. I thought to myself, smiling.

'Let's go then?' he asked, as he stepped out of the shade and revealed himself to the sunlight. It was as if he had his own share of Edward's skin that made him sparkle. Hahahaha. Or maybe, it was just my eyes.

I nodded and followed.

We just walked going there, probably to save money or maybe he wanted us to have more time together, but that's what I think, who knows what was on his head. But maybe, he just wants excercise and all that, I guess. But I still want to think that he wants to spend time with me, period. ( Hahahaha, Ambition. )

When we got there, there's a not so big stairwell leading up to the library, where people where setlling on just to pass the time. When we walked up, I think he bumped his watch or bracelet on the stair handle thingy which made a clang which echoed through the staircase. People tilted their heads as I quietly chuckled. He ignored this, or maybe he just didn't notice. It's weird how I notice simple things like these.

Anyway, going back. So there I was, looking for a book that could actually interest me. He was somewhere sitting down in the library while I looked for books in the fiction section. Moments later, he came up to me, with a small book between his hands and a smile planted on his face.

'Look,' he told me, pointing at words on the book. 'Bad words in Italian,' giving out a slight chuckle.

I laughed with him, as I tried to read the word he was pointing at, 'Va-va--fa--culo?'

He smiled, 'It's vaffanculo, it's the F word,' he told me, 'You know what, I'm gonna look for the others,' he said as he went back to his seat with a bigger smile.

I smiled as I watched him walk away. Stop staring, you're such a weirdo. I thought to myself as I looked away. Then I dismissed the thought and continued my usual searching. Then somewhere in the corner, I found the book, Lovely Bones, which caught my eye, after watching the movie long before. I avidly took it off the fiction section and brought it to where ever table he was sitting on. I sat beside him as we read the books on our grips.

He leaned in closer, 'My sister told me about that, I didn't get to watch it though,'

I looked away from the book and stared at him, 'You should watch it, it's worth watching,'

Then moments later, after some time of reading. We eventually got tired of it and we decided to walk around the building just to refresh our minds and just to waste time. After looking at paintings of the youth and young ones, we agreed to stay on a balcony and found ourselves staring at the town's park and church.

'I didn't know our park is this beautiful when you're up here,' he told me as he took his cellphone and captured the view.

Well, while he was doing his own share of captivation, I was beside him, thinking of thoughts that were running through my head. And who would've thought, these words we're the only ones I could remember.

I like him, but who would've thought that there might be a 0.1% chance of him liking me back.
♠ ♠ ♠
That's what happened.
This is for Ketely. <3