World So Cold


The next day I landed and waited on the widow’s walk for Stefan. I waited patiently not wanting to disturb him. He had a rough night. I knew it had taken him an immense amount of control to not kill Elena or Tyler.

Eventually once the sun was shining in the sky Stefan emerged from his room. My feathers glistened and were warm in the sun despite the cold temperature of the air. I had enough Power to keep myself warm without it.

Stefan came out onto the widow’s walk and came straight towards me. He stopped in front of me and stared. No emotion on his face. Jumping off the railing and changing in mid air, I stood in front of Stefan a vampire.

“Good thing you came to the rescue,” I said smirking.

“I could have killed him,” said Stefan frowning.

“But you didn’t,” I pointed out. “And it all worked out in the end.”

“She could’ve gotten hurt,” he said, his voice tight. “There were no guarantees you’re foolish plan would work.”

“I was there to protect her. Did you not see me? Too intent on playing the knight in shining armor?” I teased. “I was ready to step in. Almost did but then you showed up last minute. What took you so long?”

“I―I’m not sure,” said Stefan puzzled.

“What do you mean?” I asked just as puzzled. “How could you not remember?” My thoughts flashed for an instant to the black crow that I’d occasionally see. Could it be doing something to Stefan?

“I was going to the cemetery to protect Elena. I could feel her distress and fear,” explained Stefan. “I was halfway up the hill when I just got really dizzy. I was stumbling around, still trying to go forward and keep focus. I just felt so weak, weak and tired. It was like a fog was blanketing my mind and I couldn’t think. I still tried to move forward, to help Elena. The last thing I remember was the door to old church.”

“Do you know what it was?”

“I have no idea,” he said and I could tell he was upset about it. “I just lost control, again. A girl, Vickie Bennett, she was there at the cemetery inside the church. She was attacked around the same time I was there. Her tongue had been bitten and had bled a lot.”

“You think you did it,” I surmised.

“What other explanation is there?” asked Stefan clenching his fists. “You saw what I did to Tyler, the control I lost. It could’ve easily happened when I went inside the church.”

“But Stefan, what about the fog? You said you don’t remember. You’ve had control for hundreds of years now. You couldn’t have.”

“I could have very easily,” said Stefan. “I’m a vampire.” He spat the word out like it was poison.

“Stefan, that’s just not you. I think it’s whatever or whoever caused you to not remember. That fog couldn’t just be because of your lack of control. Someone did that to you.”

“But who?” asked Stefan. “I don’t sense anyone else here.”

“I have no idea,” I admitted. “But I will find out. And they will not get away with this.” My face was set in hard determination. They had no right to mess with Stefan. He was like a brother to me and to see him tortured like this, over something he might have done, it was not acceptable.

“Juliet,” said Stefan snapping me out of my vengeful thoughts. Stefan’s tone was soft, almost tentative. “Why can’t you be more like this? This is the Juliet I remember.”

“What do you mean?” I asked confused.

“The side of you that cares for others. I thought you had lost that, thought I had lost that.”

“It’s easier when you shut off your emotions, when you ignore your humanity. You don’t get hurt that way and it’s safer.”

“Safer? Safe from what?”

“From getting hurt. When everyone will eventually leave or betray you it’s easier when you don’t care, when you’re hated.”

“I would never do that to you, Juliet. You are a sister to me. You always have been. I would never let anything hurt you,” he said determinedly.

“But you already have,” I whispered. I ran and jumped off the widow’s walk. Instead of hitting the ground I changed and flew off as a raven.

“Juliet!”I heard Stefan cry after me. I ignored him and kept flying. I flew into the darkness of the woods. It was where I felt at home, in the dark, the shadows. It was my rightful place.

“What is a lovely lady doing alone?” I heard someone ask from behind me. I turned around to see Damon standing there. I was standing in the foyer of the Salvatore home.

“Just waiting for Stefan,” I explained. My eyes traveled over the way he was flawlessly dressed. He stood arrogantly with a smirk on his face. As my eyes traveled up to his dark eyes I saw that he had been watching me. He had caught me looking him over. I lowered my eyes and felt a blush rise against my cheeks.

“Stefan won’t be along for awhile,” said Damon after a moment. “He’s behind on his studies.” He said the word studies like one would speak of torture. I guess to him it was.

“Oh,” I said unsure on what I should say exactly. I stood there awkwardly guessing I should go home. But I found myself unable to function under Damon’s gaze. His very presence was enticing.

“I could entertain you for the time being,” said Damon striding forward until he stood in front of me. “I wouldn’t want you to waste your trip over.”

“Okay,” I said. It would be rude to deny him and anyways I didn’t want to. Time spent with Damon would be lovely. No matter what Stefan had to say about him.

“Come,” said Damon taking my arm and steering me through the house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw, poor Juliet. What could have happened to her? And dream with Damon....I wish!