Status: Joint Story

The Sun Makes Shadows

Manly Men

Matt’s POV-

After I finished speaking to Brian- the one I trust the most in this situation, I headed downstairs toward the kitchen. There stood the girls, cooking and talking together as if it were the most natural thing in the world. I didn’t interrupt, I simply stayed in the shadows and sort of zoned for a while (yeah, it happens, you know it happens to you too, so don’t talk). When the doorbell rung I went to answer it, which was a bid mistake. Suddenly I was under a 4 guy pile up. I watched as Brian’s wife gingerly stepped over us with a giant smile on her face.

“Alright, get off of me you big lumps. ” I shoved one of them off, and the others scrambled up. I stood up and brushed myself off. “If I’m dirty for dinner...” I grumbled.

“Aww, look who’s a grumpy gill ” Jimmy said, reaching forward to touch my face. I gave him an ice-cold glare. “Aah ” He screamed and jumped in Johnny’s arms. “He tried to kill me with his glaring powers ”

“And what’s this?” Zacky said as he gently tugged Nyaa out into the open from around a corner. “Look who I found ”

“Wow.” Jimmy walked up to her. “How could someone as smart as you end up with us? I am honored.” He picked up her hand and kissed it.

“Sorry if he’s creepy.” Brian said, putting a hand on her shoulder. “But if you need anything, you can come to me.”

“Yeah, he’s the smartest.” Johnny put in.

“Nuh-uh, my doctor says I have the IQ of some of the smartest people.” Jimmy said, sticking his tongue out.

“Like who? Kesha?” Everyone laughed at that.

“What are you guys doing to the poor girl?” Val said as she walked in. “At least you got to see the wildness I was talking about.” She sighed as she folded her hands over her chest.

“Uh, I am insulted. I feel as if you just stuck a stake through my heart!” Zacky put his forearm over his forehead.

“I think he reads too much about vampires. I caught him reading Twilight the other day.” Val said as she guided Nyaa into the kitchen, where of course the rest of the guys followed.

“Hey, you are not supposed to know about that. I was laying down to take a nap when you came in.” Zacky replied.

“Twilight?” I questioned him, and he gave me a deer in the head lights look.

“He’s a man!” Jimmy said as he sat down. Great. Jimmy was encouraging him.

“Yeah, I’m a man and I do manly things like read Twilight.” Zacky said, nodding his head as he sat down at the table. I followed suit and soon everyone was seated, ready for the first dinner of the rest of my life.

“I love potatoes!” Jimmy said loudly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Loving the comment love! Keep the love coming loves! He, he. Love.
