Status: Joint Story

The Sun Makes Shadows

Fathers, dog, & Daughter

Nyaa’s POV

“Val, your yamaz look really good today.” Val looked confused about them compliment Matt just paid her while we started to laugh.

“Um… okay… thank you…?”

“No problem,” He smiled flashing those dimples again.

I had taught him a few other words also and he was having a blast using them. I have to admit it was fun having some sort of secret with Matt. Its wasn’t a secret really but having something between us was nice.

I took another bite of my sandwich and watched the “stallion ducks”, as Jimmy calls them; swim around in the park lake.

“So what do you think of the guys coming over later?” I rose an eyebrow at Val; was she asking me.

“Sounds fun,” I shrugged.

They didn’t need to ask my permission, they were adults. Where I come from kid’s opinion didn’t matter; adults did what they want.

I looked back up at the sky; father was extra bright today and he was giving me energy and joy. I shut my eyes soaking in his rays and sighed happily towards the sky.

“I’m going to go to the bathroom,” Val announced and got up from our blanket after Matt and I nodded to her.

I remained quiet basking in the sun when Matt spoke.

“Do you do that a lot?” I opened my eyes and looked at him confused.

“Do what?” I asked and he motioned to the sun.

“I don’t know… you seem happier in the sun, you look like you’re... bathing in it or something.” I blushed and looked down before shrugging.

“The sun’s our father, he gives us energy.” I didn’t expect him to understand but he nodded anyway trying to process my words.

Just then a big dog ran full speed towards us and Matt’s eyes widened, the dog looked aggressive and was barking madly; the owner was chasing after it and I stood up quickly.

She was making her way to us faster and faster and Matt looked like a deer caught in the headlights; she might attack if Matt just sits there. Calmly I stepped in front of him and he snapped out of his trance grabbing my wrist and tried to yank me behind him. I fought against his pulls and remained there.

The dog stopped in front of me snarling madly and I slowly lifted my hand in front of her nose; making sure my palm was down and she sniffed me, teeth still bared. Matt stayed frozen when the dog calmed down and started to lick my hand. I smiled and leaned onto my knees petting her.

“There, there baby, you don’t want to hurt me do ya?” I cooed and Matt stared at me in amazement.

“I thought she was going to ripe our heads off,” Matt sighed and the dog noticed him there.

Going back into her defense mood she started to bark but I grabbed her by the collar just in time.

“Calm down baby, he’s a friend,” I whispered to her and she stopped barking but still growled.

“Hold out your hand,” I ordered.

He did like I had a few moments earlier and the dog sniffed him too before calming down. The owner finally caught up and he began apologizing instantly.

“Dude watch your dog, I thought it was going to attack my daughter and I,” Matt roared and my eyes widened at the word daughter. The guy looked at us weird and said he was sorry again.

“Its fine,” I sighed still playing with the dog.

I looked into its small black eyes.

“You should let her out more though, that’s why she’s so angry,” I said standing and letting him leash the dog again.

He nodded slowly.

“How did you know I don’t let her out much?” I shrugged.

She told me.

“I could just tell,” I explained and he nodded before rushing off.

Matt’s eyes were still on me.

“How’d you do that?” He asked.

“Do what?” I asked for the second time today.

“I don’t know that whole dog whisperer crap,” I chuckled and shrugged.

“I don’t know… animals have always been calm around me. If you just listen to them they tell you a lot too. She’s the one who told me she doesn’t get out much.” Matt looked at me amazed as Val came back.

“What’s going on?” She asked because Matt’s expression was frozen in a mixture of shock and amazement.

I shrugged.

“Nothing,” I said.

“Nothing?!” He finally snapped out of it before launching into the story.

I rolled my eyes at how much he was exaggerating it; he made it sound like the dog had rabies and I was Dr. Dolittle or something.

It was nice to hear him gush over something about me he thought was amazing however.
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I was reading another story on here and was shocked to see one of the character's with the name Nyaa XD
The author got it from this story :P
That made me happy enough to update ^.^ Good Job.

Also I didn't want to make this seem liek Matt would just LET her get attacked... he was in shock, keep that in mind.
Also she's not like Dr. Dolittle either... she just read the dogs body laungage i guess you could say...
It's quiet easy :3 you've probably done it with your pets, i do it all the time. She'll talk about it more later though.
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