Status: Joint Story

The Sun Makes Shadows

Mood Changer

Nyaa’s POV

I sat on the couch staring aimlessly at the TV. Matt had come home and had spent his time outside by the pool with Bella and Val was in the kitchen. He was oddly quiet and hadn’t spoken to me since he got home. Val said he’s just tired but I knew that was a lie.

She seemed in her own little world since he came home also. They had talked quietly in the kitchen but I didn’t know what about.

I wanted to know but knew I wouldn’t find out soon.

The doorbell rang pulling me from my thoughts and I looked at it.

“Can you get that Nyaa, it’s probably the guys,” I got up and went to it.

“Hey,” Jimmy greeted before stepping in with the rest of the group trailing.

I smiled a greeting and watched as the girls went to help Val and the guys made their way to the living room. I followed the guys and took a seat between Jimmy and Brian.

“Where’s Matt?” Zacky asked and I pointed to the pool.

Brian stared at him for a moment and nudged me as if to ask what was wrong with him; I just shrugged and he got up and went outside also. No one noticed the exchange and went off in their own little world.

Zacky grabbed the remote and Johnny fought with him on what to watch while Jimmy just sat watching the two with an amused smile on his lips.

“What’s wrong Kiddo?” I looked up at Jimmy and just shook my head.

He frowned and nodded knowing I didn’t wish to talk about it. He wrapped his arm across my shoulder and I leaned into him suddenly feeling very tired.

I didn’t understand this at all; why was I so upset about Matt? He hates me right? Yet I can’t help but be sad that there’s something wrong. Maybe I’m not upset about Matt maybe I’m just too nice of a person and I’m saddened that there’s an upset person around me. Yeah that’s it.

I felt a little better deciding that was what was wrong with me and I sat up suddenly.

“Jimmy,” I whispered and he cocked a brow at me before answering.

“What?” He whispered back.

“You know what that remote does don’t you?” His eyes widened as he shook his head back and forth. “It controls the brain waves of everyone in this room; they can control us with it…”

“We need that remote Nyaa.” He said playing along and I nodded with a serious expression. “We can use it to cheer Matt up.” He stood and I followed suit.

We both stood on each side of the fighting pair and Jimmy counted to three on his fingers.

“Go!” He screamed and I jumped onto Johnny and him on Zacky.

“What the hell?!” Zacky screamed as we wrestled them for the remote.

“Give us the remote!” I yelled.

“Here!” Johnny said throwing it at Jimmy and we stopped before running and leaving the men confused.

“Come my sun!” Jimmy shouted and leaned down.

I jumped on his back and kicked my legs.

“Go trusty steed!” I shouted as I held up the remote.

He ran outside and Brian and Matt stared at him like he had a 16 year old girl on his back; oh wait…

“What the hell?” Matt asked looking angry and confused.

“Quick, give me the device!” I handed Jimmy the mood changer and he held it facing Matt like he were a TV.

“What’s the code?!” Jimmy asked.

“1231,” I replied and he punched it in as we waited for something to happen.

“What the fuck are you guys doing?” Brian asked looking amused.

“I don’t think it worked,” I pouted seeing Matt’s face still the same as I hopped off of Jimmy.

“What worked?” He sighed annoyed.

“The device is supposed to change your mood!” Jimmy exclaimed holding up the remote. “Why didn’t it work, my sun?!”

I shrugged before grabbing it and opening the back. I took out the batteries and held them in my open hand before gasping.

“The batteries are dead,” I said.

Jimmy gasped before placing his head in his hands and crumbling to the floor with a fake sob. Soon he looked up at the sky and held his hands open.

“Por que?!” He screamed and I shook my head as Brian laughed and Matt looked even more confused.

“Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?” I turned to see Val, along with everyone else outside looking at Jimmy with amused expression.

“He’s upset that the mood changer didn’t work,” I stated.

“What? Mood changer?” Johnny asked.

I held up the remote.

“We stole this from the gnome and humpty dumpty over there to try and cheer Matt up but it didn’t work.” I explained.

“Yeah because the batteries are dead,” Jimmy had stood up now and looked calm as ever. “I was sad because I knew Nyaa was upset that Matt was upset so I was hoping the mood changer could help them both,” I looked at Jimmy shocked.

“Oh I see,” Val said.

“Hey I wasn’t upset!” I argued.

“Pfft, yeah you were,” Brian said and I glared at him before stealing a glance at Matt.

He looked to be deep in thought and confused.

“Well the food is done so whenever you guys are ready come in.”

“Oh; are there potatoes?” Jimmy asked.

“No more potatoes for you two,” Matt said sternly and we both pouted before following everyone inside.
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I seriously love this story. Hope you enjoyed the update >.>
Can’t wait to hear what you think and I’m excited to read the next update :P