Status: Joint Story

The Sun Makes Shadows

Pride Will Be The Death Of Me

Nyaa’s POV

Val was upset; really upset and Jimmy and I have been trying to calm her down.

She kept screaming about how her and Matt’s marriage was useless and meant nothing. I sighed saddened by the sight.

“I’m going to go try and talk to Matt,” Jimmy said standing and I nodded going back to Val.

She sobbed into her hands and I rubbed her back.

“Val; he loves you,” I said.

“If he did he wouldn’t shut me out like this,” I sighed.

He loves you enough to deal with me…

“Val if he didn’t love you why would he go as far as adopt a child with you?” I reasoned leaving out the part where he didn’t even want to.

She sniffed thinking it over.

“But why is he acting like this? He should know he could tell me anything,” she cried softly again.

“He’s a guy,” I shrugged. “They don’t like to talk,” she stopped crying and looked into my eyes for a lie that wasn’t there and sighed.

“Am I over reacting,” I shook my head.

“You’re his wife, you’re just worried. Give him a second, let me talk to him and I’m sure he’ll be fine,” she chewed her bottom lip before nodding.

I stood and walked to their bedroom where Matt was glaring angrily at Jimmy who looked tired and annoyed.

“Jimmy can you give us a minute?” I sighed and he looked over shocked before nodding and leaving after sending a wary glance Matt’s way.

Matt glared at me once Jimmy was out of sight and I stood in front of him arms crossed. I glared back before raising my hand and slapping him across the face; hard. He looked shocked before he stood quickly and glared down at me nose flaring.

“What the fuck was that for?” He growled.

I just stared back calmly ignoring the pain in my hand from the force.

“What are you going to do Matt? Hit me? Go ahead!” I dared; honestly I wasn’t scared.

I swear it’s something in my blood; native women always pushed men to their limits and stood strongly unafraid that they could be beaten senseless. I think it was a pride thing.

“Honestly nothing you could do to me physically will hurt as much or more as what you are doing to your wife emotionally. She loves your dumbass for some idiotic reason and all you’re doing is shutting her out.” I said. “So go ahead, hit me, punch me, kick me but please go talk to your wife. Give her something; even if it’s saying ‘I lied, I’m not okay’ just something!”

“Why do you care?” he dared crossing his buff arms across his chest.

“I don’t care about you but that woman in there has showed me nothing but love and kindness since I saw her and I love her already. So you could continue hating me all you want but this isn’t about us Matt; never was. You and I both know I’m here for her and you deal with me for her so keep it up and stop whatever hissy fit your throwing and talk to her.”

Matt glared at me nose flaring before he turned and walked out the door to where I hope would be to comfort his wife. I sighed and sat burying my head in my hands.

“Wow,” someone breathed and I looked up to see Brian standing by the doorway; I guess I had an audience.

“What?” I asked softly suddenly feeling drained.

“You know he could of like… smashed you right?” he smirked and I chuckled softly.

I shrugged.

“He would if he wanted to, I knew he wouldn’t though. He may be an ass but he would never lay a finger on a woman, even if he hates her guts,” I smiled like it was a joke but Brian frowned.

“How did you know?” I cocked a brow.

“Know what?”

“One; that he hated you and two; he wouldn’t hit you?” I shrugged.

“People are easy to read; you just got to have the right glasses,” I shrugged. “And as for the second question… I can tell when a man is angry enough to hit you. I’ve seen enough of angry men to read them easy,” I sighed and he frowned.

“I’m sorry,” he said and I shrugged standing and heading towards my room.

“For what? You never hurt me.” I left him after that.

“He doesn’t really hate you; even if he says he does,” he whispered so lowly not intending me to hear but I did anyway but continued on like I hadn’t.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love this chapter… seriously did not expect any of that… just kept writing and this is what came out…

Also… about that pride thing in native women… fact xD Seriously it’s insane the trouble we get ourselves into with men. :3 Can’t tell you how many times I’ve come close to getting my ass beat by a grown man; no lie xD.

Oh and can you check out my new story; Unholy Confessions?
It’s a Berry brother romance co-write :P