Status: Joint Story

The Sun Makes Shadows

Coming out of the Closet


I tell you, the girl is magic! I doubt any of us would have noticed Bella and her paw…which is actually kind of sad. I punched Jimmy in the arm.

“Hey! What was that for?”

“For something that you wouldn’t have done in the future.” I responded.

Everyone just sort of stared at me.

“Umm…I think that guy went a little crazy…” Zacky commented.

“A little?” Nyaa asked.

I frowned. “It can’t be all that surprising…”

“Uh, you’re Mr. Cynical. So, when you act like one of us…” Johnny said, a hand full of popcorn and the other with the popcorn bag. What was up with this guy and food?

“Well, fine then.” I sniffed, feigning hurt. I walked away without another word. Of course, everyone crashed after me.

“Sorry man.” Zacky apologized.

“Yeah, please don’t stop!” Jimmy said.

“Okay, that sounded dirty.” Zacky giggled. Brian walked up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder.

“We need to talk.” He murmured. I met his eyes and we both had an understanding.

“Hey Jimmy! Why don’t you four play hide and go seek!” Brian called before leading me away. “Hey man. What’s up? I heard a little bit but…”

I sighed before explaining. “They found the guy Brian. They found him.” We were sitting in a small, private alcove attached to one of the bedrooms. “And they found out he did it on purpose.”

“Who was it?”




“Oh my God. I knew that he was crazy but…you didn’t go hunt him down, did you?”
I shook my head, feeling my eyes sting. Again. Man, once I opened up to Val it felt like I was opening up to the world. It actually felt kind of nice. “I guess I’m not as angry.”

“Yes, the past is the past. It’s good to remember, but not clutch onto.”

“Okay, when did you get so wise?”

“When I read that fortune cookie. My lucky numbers were 4. 88, 7, and 27.”

We both chuckled for a moment before a slam interrupted us. We both walked out into the hallway and watched as Jimmy and Zacky ran into a random bedroom. Now, I don’t know why Brian and I followed. It really didn’t make any sense. But we did, and we were greeted by an empty room. We were about to leave when we heard them talking.

“Hey, this is my hiding spot! Get your own!” It was Jimmy who spoke first.

“Aww, can’t you share?” Zacky whined.

“There are about a million rooms in this house. Can’t you find your own?”





“NO! NO! NO!”

“Fine! Now quiet, or she’ll find us!” Jimmy hissed.

Brian and I both stifled laughs. I wouldn’t have been surprised if Nyaa found them right away.

“Hey, dude, I just realized something.” Jimmy said…no, giggled.

“What?” Zacky asked, obviously a bit irritated.

“You’re in the closet.”

“No, you’re in the closet!”

“You’re in the closet!”

“You’re in the closet!”

I rolled my eyes. I thought that we left those jokes in high school. The door opened quietly and Nyaa and Johnny appeared.

“They’re in the closet.” I mouthed, pointing in the direction. She shot me a glare before a loud, “NO! You’re in the closet!” rattled her. “Told you.” I whispered with a smile. She rolled her eyes and walked up to the door.

“Okay, you guys can come out of the closet now.” She said aloud.

“Umm, I’m not in the closet.” Zacky replied.

“Yeah, I’m not either.”
Nyaa opened the door to reveal the two men. “You guys totally were.”
Both of them walked out,Zacky grumbling and Jimmy saying, “Hey! We just came out of the closet!”
A game of basketball (who knew that Nyaa was good at it? Poor Johnny never had a chance!) and a jam session later (Zacky insisted on teaching Nyaa a bit of guitar, which I totally don’t disprove of) we sat at dinner. This time though, it was the three of us. The guys had things to do and places to see. Especially Jimmy and Zacky, who both won tickets for a free…never mind. A married man should not talk of these things!

God, that is something that Jimmy would say. It seems like I caught up with my friends, though I wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing yet.

“So, it seems like everyone had a busy day today.” Val commented, forking a piece of meat.

“We sure did. It was very…interesting.” Nyaa commented with a smile.

You know, it was good to see them together. They were like a mother and daughter, in the true sense. Maybe I could learn to be a good father? I felt my heat lurch with sadness.
Yes, the past is the past. It’s good to remember, but not clutch onto.
Was Brian right? I didn’t even realize that I was spacing off before something hit me right between the eyes. “Ow!” I touched it. Eww…meatloaf.

“Thanks.” I muttered.

“No problem.” Nyaa responded, fixing me with her eyes. They seemed so scanning…like she knew. She knew. She was perceptive.

“So, are you looking forward to your first day of school? Only two more days.”

“Well…” She seemed a bit wary.

“If you feel uncomfortable…”

“Don’t worry.” I spoke, forcing the words that I would always say before school began. Before the accident. “First day jitters are always a problem. You’ll be fine. And don’t forget, we’ll be here for you, to help you and protect you.”

Val looked surprised. Maybe it was the fact that I remembered? Or that I said it without having a mental breakdown? Who knows.

“Thanks.” Nyaa said.

We finished our dinner in near silence, only a couple words shared now and then. After Nyaa went to bed, Val approached me.

“Hey babe.” She sat on my lap.

“Hey.” I responded with a smile, leaning against the headboard a little more.

“I’ve got something to tell you.” She whispered, biting her lip.
I was about to ask what, when we heard Nyaa screaming. Both of us jumped up and charged to her room, flicking on her light and prepared for a fight. Val ran over to the girl and shook her shoulder, trying to wake her. Nyaa sat up, looking panicked.

“What’s wrong sweetheart?” Val asked.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bwahaha. Hope you guys liked the chapter 'cause more is happening and stuffs! Sorry if it's a bit confusing...I was sick and this was written late at night. So, let's hope that you guys loved it! It's longer than normal because you guys are totally worth it...and I kind of felt guilty for not updating right away. I died a bit. But now I am alive! Yay! Anyway, I am going to sleep now. So, Comment, love, and Subscribe!
