Status: Joint Story

The Sun Makes Shadows

He Was Lying

Nyaa’s POV

I stared at the off white walls and tapped my foot nervously. I was at the “doctors” office. They wanted to get me checked out for my dreams. I sat sandwiched between mom and Matt. I kept my gaze down not wanting to make eye contact with the people around me.

“Do you like it?” I looked up at Matt confused.

He looked at me then down to my neck; following his gaze I saw he was looking at the necklace he had left for me in my room. I had been holding it this whole time without even noticing. I nodded and he stared forward again.

Matt confused the hell out of me; one minute he didn’t want me in his home and the next he was giving me gifts! This necklace only made me more confused and lost about everything. I felt like I was going through life with a fucking blindfold.

I know people don’t see the future; some don’t anyway, but don’t some at least know a little? Don’t people have a six sense when bad things were going to happen? If they can do that can’t I at least notice what the hell was going through Matt’s brain?

I used to be able to read people so well. With one look I could tell their secrets and regrets. I knew if they planned good or bad things and who they would do them too. I knew who they liked or disliked and now here I was not knowing whether Matt was gonna be nice or mean for the next hour.

He was hot and cold and it bothered me to no end.

“Nyaa Sanders?” I flinched at the name.

I knew they changed it but I haven’t heard my new name used yet. I still need to get used to it. We all stood and headed into the office. I shook hands with the stubby short bald man before sitting across from hm. Matt and mom sat beside me just like before so I was between them. Matt rubbed his hands off of his jeans and I knew he was sweating. I licked my lips suddenly feeling there dryness.

“So, Nyaa do you want to tell me why you’re here?” I shook my head staring down.

Val grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently while Matt leaned towards me but didn’t touch me. Oddly I knew the closeness was his own way of comforting me.

“That’s a pretty necklace you’re holding,” when did I grab it again?

“Thanks Matt gave it to me,” I mutter still looking down.

“You have nice shoes; did Matt give you those too?” I shook my head.

“No mom did,” I said and the air grew tense.

Mom squeezed my hand again.

“Why do you call Val mom but not Matt dad?” I bite my lip and shrugged.

Because he doesn’t want me as his daughter.

“So tell me about your nightmares,” he changed the subject and I looked up.

“I don’t remember them,” I said simple.

“How do you know they’re nightmares?” I cocked a brow.

“For one; I’m screaming in my sleep and two; I wake up feeling scared like I just had a nightmare.”

He nodded and wrote on his little clip board.

“Nyaa who did you live with before Val and Matt?”

“My grandma,” I answered and he shook his head.

“No right before Matt and Val,” I furrowed my brows looking confused.

“The orphanage,” he looked confused.

He looked down at his notebooks and back up at me.

“I see here you lived in 3 other homes before Matt’s.” he muttered.

I shook my head.

“This is the first home I’ve had since my grandma died.” I argued.

“Nyaa, you lived with another couple and two people before that,” I shook my head again getting frustrated.

Why is he lying to me.

“No I didn’t,” I said.

“Yes you did, don’t you remember,” he said.

“No I didn’t,” I repeated louder.

“Nyaa don’t you remember the Andersons? What about P-“

“Shut up shut up; why are you lying?!” I shouted jumping from my seat.

The walls started to close in and my body was telling screaming at me to run and hide. Not to listen to the lying man and never to believe him. It got harder to breathe as I suddenly spotted the door and took off after it.

I heard people screaming after me but ignored it and rushed outside. I took a moment to look around; finally spotting a park across the street I rushed to it to get some peace and quiet.

“He was lying,” I said as I took a seat on the swing. The old park was abandon luckily.

“He was lying,” I whispered slowly as my shoes kicked the dirt from beneath me.

“He was lying,” I assured myself but a little voice told me he wasn’t.
♠ ♠ ♠
>.> Intense.

Remember the next chapter is the last and will be written in both Nyaa’s and Matt’s pov; meaning me and my co-author will write it together :P

Don’t fear; the sequel is up there! xD

Go click and subscribe to it; some of you have already and we’re so happy about that. A couple even commented!

Thank you FoREVerA7X for the amazing banner we have up there! I love it!
