Status: Joint Story

The Sun Makes Shadows


Matt’s POV

She was going to be here in a week. The thought ran through my mind a million times as the guys sat with me in my living room. Val was out for tonight, shopping with some of her friends for necessities for the Nyaa. I watched as Zacky opened a beer and began to drink it.

“Aww, having daddy issues?” Brian commented, smacking my knee and sipping his own drink.

“No I am not, thank you very much.”

“Are you ever going to tell Val?” Zacky breathed.

“Tell her what? There’s nothing to tell.” I snapped, sitting back on the couch.

“Oh, you know there’s something to tell. We all know already, no use hiding it.” Johnny said as he came in with a bowl of popcorn.

“Where’d you get the popcorn?” I asked, befuddled. I didn’t recall ever having popcorn in the pantry.

“In my coat pocket. You guys never have any good junk food, so this is the result. I simply brought my own.” I watched in surprise as he pulled a container of popcorn salt from his pocket and sprinkled it on the popcorn.

“Anyway, back to you. You should really tell her. You’re getting a 16 year old girl in a couple of days, and I’m pretty sure she’s going to be really intuitive. Everything will come out in the open eventually.” Brian replied as he tried to snatch the bowl from Johnny. But Johnny simply swerved and some of the popcorn fell on the floor.

“Come on guys. Val will be über ticked if you spill on the floor. You know she treasures the carpet.”

“Ooh, she treasures the carpet.” Zacky giggled, and I realized he may have had one too many.

“How many of those did you have?” I asked. If I had to drive him home again...

“This many.” He held up three fingers and I rolled my eyes.

“No worries man, I’ll take him home this time.” Brian patted me on the back. “Now, answer the question. Are you going to tell her?”

“No.” I said with candor. “I won’t. There’s no point. I know I can hide it.”

Everyone just stared at me, frustrated. Then they finally changed the subject, talking about our newest album and next tour. When the guys finally left I rested my head on the couch, realization running through my mind like a loose animal. I can’t tell her...
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the lateness. My computer got some kind of virus, but it's gone now thanks to my mom! Anyway, comment?
