Status: Joint Story

The Sun Makes Shadows


Nyaa’s POV

I sat on my bed fiddling with my hands; I was waiting for them to tell me to go meet Matt and Val. I was feeling sick. My nerves were getting the best of me; breathe, I reminded myself.

Father said it’ll be ok.

“Nyaa,” I looked up towards the voice, Ms. Karen motioned for me to follow her.

My hair was pulled back into a braid as my normal tee shirt and jeans was replaced with a red blouse and simple black skirt.

They always made you dress up for meetings, I felt uncomfortable in it but I’d have to deal.

My stomach knotted up once I reached the room; Val and Matt looked up at me, they wore smiles; Val’s warm and genuine while Matt was faked and forced. He was an amazing liar I’ll give him that, it almost seemed real.

I smiled back quickly as Ms. Karen left making me feel worse.

“Hi Nyaa,” Val greeted pulling me into a hug and smiled in her embrace.

She wore a white blouse and black dress pants.

“Hello,” I smiled nodding to her and Matt.

Val turned towards Matt expectedly and he shuffled forward pulling me into a loose awkward hug. He wore a button up black shirt with jeans, wow thanks for the effort.

“Let’s sit,” Matt said once we pulled away from each other.

I took the seat across from them on the brown table.

“So, how are you today?” Val asked smiling at me.

I looked down at my intertwined hands and thought my answer over. I didn’t want to lie to her, ever.

“I’m feeling anxious,” I looked back up to her.

“Anxious, why are you anxious?”

“I don’t like this room; they let us meet in here because they want to keep an eye on us. It’s uncomforting and I can’t… be myself.” I answered as I looked around the room.

“Well they want to make sure we like each other. Do you like us Nyaa?” Val cocked her head to the side curiously wearing a smile.

I smiled back at her before nodding.

“I like you very much,” she managed to widen her smile.

“We like you too Nyaa,” she looked over at her husband before grabbing his hand. “Don’t we Matt?”

He stared at her a moment before smiling and nodding at me. You could smell liar on his soul even though his skin fooled Val.

I just smiled at him also; I said I wouldn’t lie to Val, him I would lie to. He may play it off good enough to fool his wife and the workers here but I know the truth, I’ll always know the truth. For now however I’ll play his game, I’ll play it better than him. I’m not doing this for him, I’m doing it for her because something deep inside of me already loved Val.
♠ ♠ ♠
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