Status: Joint Story

The Sun Makes Shadows

Apple Pie

Matt’s POV-

Most awkward hug EVER! I’m used to hugging people and it never bugged me before, but now it did because I saw in her eyes that she knew it wasn’t genuine. I felt my heart pounding as we sat down to talk to her. “Let’s sit.” I said, feeling even more uncomfortable as she scrutinized me. Were the guys right? Did she have me figured out already? I gulped, and as the girls spoke I felt a twinge of familiarity in my heart. I pushed down the memory and all the other upsetting thoughts swirling around in my brain as Val grabbed my hand. I looked at her, my wife. And I nodded to her question. It seemed like that was all I could do. Nyaa gave me a smile and I realized then that she was playing my own game against me.

“You guys were right.” I said to Brian later, after we left. We were at some sort of bar, one where we could speak freely without the fear of being discovered. And by discovered I mean nosy neighbors who wouldn’t hesitate to tell Val anything.

“What can I say? 16 is a pretty smart age. Especially after you’ve had so many heartbreaks, and you live in an orphanage. Anyone would be.” He replied, sipping down a soda he had ordered.

“I was that smart at 16.” Jimmy turned on his stool to face us.

Brian stared in absolute disbelief, and I couldn’t blame him. “Yeah, compared to who? The Easter Bunny?!” Brian spit out.

“No, not the Easter Bunny. And not Nyaa either.” He paused. “The comparison is with this apple pie! I love apple pie!” He exclaimed as the bartender set it down in front of him and winked.

“My own special recipe sweet pea.” She walked away as he began to eat his pie.

“Ooh, look like someone has a romantic interest!” Brian batted his eyelashes.

“Hey, you’re just jealous that you don’t have apple pie.” He pointed his fork at us.

“He has a point.” I told Brian, taking a sip of my own soda. Hey, I was too nervous day for alcohol. “He does get free stuff from random chicks.”

Brian pouted, then changed the subject back. “Anyway, you should just tell Val. You know she’ll kill you if she’s the last one to know. Nyaa already knows. Do you want what happened last time to happen this time? Except twenty times wore?”

My mind flew back to the time we were traveling, and of course it was somewhere that snowed. “Never again.” I whispered, remembering how cold it was locked out without only my pants...

“You’re lucky she allowed you to keep your pants.” Jimmy said as he chewed. “Either way though, I’m gonna miss you man. With a kid you won’t be able to hang out with us as much.”

I nodded, then realized that she was coming soon. Sooner than I thought. I sighed. “Let’s go.”

When I got home Val walked up to me, and gave me a surprise, passionate kiss. “What was that for?”

“Putting up with me and my biological clock.” She replied, tugging my shirt buttons. I chuckled in a nervous fashion. “You were right you know. I’m glad we’re doing this for her, and I love her as if she were my own daughter already. Do you feel the same?”

“Ye-yeah.” I stuttered as she came closer. She seemed to mistake my nervousness for passion.

“Well, let me thank you properly.” She whispered, grabbing me by my collar and dragging me to our room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh yeah, we went there! Comments? Love? Support? I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :D