
Chapter Ten: Happiness vs. Sadness

I called him the same day and here was our depressing conversation:
"Hey Andee, I thought about it, I'm going to the Stacey crew."
"WHAT!!??" I immediately hung up. I was astonished. How could he! Well, I guess I have to go back living my normal, boring, lonely life.
It was lunch time and I sat at a table with one other girl. She wore purple and black, her hair was died black and she looked pretty cool. This was our interesting and amazing conversation:
"H-Hey, I'm Andee, may I sit here?"
"Sure, I'm Lola, I'm always lonely,"
"Same, I just lost a really good guy friend,"
"Wait!? Is this guy Jake Ramsey?"
"Oh my god! I can't believe this! I lost him to the Stacey Crew. I guess they rejected him and he forgot about me."
"Forgot!?!? I can't let this happen. Lola, You're a very nice girl. Do you have a facebook?"
" Totally, add me and "Lola Blackwaters" I know, weird name right?"
"Yea.. Well, See ya! Nice meeting you."
As I approached Stacey's table, I noticed that there doing the same things as always, laughing and babbling around. I needed to do this quick. "Hey Stacey." I said sarcastically.
"Oh, Hey Loser,"
"I need to talk to you in private,"
"Um, okay."
"Why will you never admit that you don't really like Jake?"
"Because, it's to funny watching him be gullible."
"Admit it loudly when you walk away from him."
"Yes! That'll be perfect! Thank you Andee."
As I got back to the table, the drama began. "Listen Jake, we have to go. I'm sorry," said Stacey.
"Okay bye guys!"
Here was the moment I've been waiting for.
"Jake Ramsey smells like fish and he is such a dork!"
I saw a tear stream down his cheek and he glared at me and ran to the boys bathroom. I needed to group chat on facebook tonight with Lola and Jake so I can say how that happened and so maybe we can turn into the 3 musketeers.