
Chapter Twelve: Bookshop Horror

On saturday we called each other up and we decided to go to Borders. We are not the loud club people type. It might give us a chance to really bond. I got there first and I waited for 5 minutes for the rest of them. It was 15 minutes before they all arrived. We decided to go to the little cafe first. Maybe it wasn't the greatest idea.
As we were ordering we saw the Stacey Crew waiting in line behind us. Joy. Then it got worse, they started picking on the weaker links. Great job Stacey clones. "Oh Jake! We missed you! come back to us!" Stacey said sounding depressed.
"Stacey, no. I know you were trying to use me,
"No we weren't. We were trying to help you,"
Then Lola finally butted in. "Jake! It's a trap."
Finally it was our turn and we decided to eat the pastries in the book area and stay as far away from the Stacey Crew as possible.
As we settled in, things started to get awkward but in a romantic way. "Listen Andee, The moment I saw you, I didn't know what to think, I know you rejected me but, would you like to go to the next one?"
Lola was eating her pastry like it was the movies.
-Blushes- "I don't want to make you feel sad but, I'm just not looking for anyone. Sorry Jake."
"Okay, That's cool."
He pretended it was when really it wasn't it was like a completely normal hang out the rest of the day. I needed to talk to him on facebook tonight.