
Chapter Four: Happiness Vs. Depression

I was so happy entering the school. I saw Jake and ran up to him and literally hugged him.
"Hey Andee! About what I said last night.. Umm.. Would you maybe wanna go out sometime?"
"Sure!! :) Btw, Do you have a cellphone?"
"Oh... Well.. I gotta head to my locker, see you at lunch!"
"See ya Andee"
I was feeling more and more close to him every second. I don't know if I would want to be his boyfriend though. I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship plus, I've never had one before so I don't know what it's like.
Lunch finally came. It was wonderful until something happened. It turned out that Jake sat with the "Stacey Crew". I was completely devastated.
[giggle] "Oh.. I Andee." Stacey sneered.
"Hey Stacey."
"Oh Andee,,, I know you're not to fond of them but I'm friends with them."
"It's okay Jake."
"I'm sitting right here." Stacey said loudly.
I basically had the most boring lunch since Jake kept talking with the Stacey crew. Maybe this wouldn't turn out so well. I had to talk to him on facebook about this. About how we're going to hang out.
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Sorry this chapter is really short. x3