
Chapter Five: Facebook Blues

It was a saturday so I had to time to hang out and chill. I had really nothing in mind so.. since it was already one I decided to go on facebook to talk to Jake. Luckily he was online. I started this depressing chat:
Me: Hey Jake! :D
Jake: Hi.
Me: Is there anything wrong?
Jake: Andee, We need to talk..
Me: About what?
Jake: You know how the people in the "Stacey Crew" are my friend now???
Me: WHAT!?!? THERE YOUR FRIENDS!!?? go on.. -.-
Jake: I can't hang out with you anymore..
Me: But.. I... Bye Jake *tear*
I couldn't believe what was happening! That traitor!!
Jake: Andee! Bye..
I wish I could disappear into a black hole. No one would care if I lived or died. I bet no one would care. Not much people know me anyways.
Well.. My weekend was pretty fun. NOT! Joy, I had to face Jake every morning now..
As I was walking in the hallways, I saw Jake a few times but I completely ignored him. He really deserved it. He should of thought that the "Stacey Crew" becomes friends with people unpopular and then turns their back on the person. I had to tell him.
"You gotta believe me Jake! I was once that person!"
"I see what you're trying to do, You are trying to make me become your only friend and that I will not have any friends."
"Jake! You gotta believe me!"
"This is sickening Andee. I never suspected this kind of dirt from you. Bye."
Well.. That was for nothing, I had to find a way to try to convince the "Stacey Crew" that they're only "using" Jake. They admitted that in front of my face which is what I had to do for Jake.