
Chapter Six: Sweet Revenge

It came to the time when it was lunch time. Perfect. I planned this whole thing out during my first three hours. I really hope this is a success. So... As usual, I saw Jake blabbing and laughing with the "Stacey Crew". I had to do this fast. So.. I walked up there and this was our dilemma.
"Hey Stacey."
"Oh! Hey loser!! How are you??"
I can't believe Jake didn't stand up for me! Oh... This had to be done real fast.
"So.. Stacey. How is your new member Jake?"
She wanted to whisper to me. Luckily she was a loud whisperer. These were Stacey's exact words.
"Jake is such a dweeb. He dresses terribly and he has a weird odor. Also, all he can talk about science. He is such a huge dork. I wish he would leave."
"Jake!!! Did you hear that!" I belted.
"Yea.. You know what Andee. I know those words aren't true. You just wanted me to hang out with only you."
"Jake! They're using you!! I've been through this!"
"Bye Andee." *tear*
Great. Now I seemed like the bad guy.
I had only one class with him in the afternoon which was Biology. Luckily the biology teacher never teached. But.. Jake didn't even talk to me once. I had to try to talk to him on facebook.
It was a friday so I could spend hours talking to him. He was online! Yes!
Me: Hey
Jake: Hi
Me: Listen, You may thank me later but it was the truth. Stacey never lies and I've been used like that before.
Jake: But then why did you do it? Why couldn't you let me have one chance to be popular and hang out with them?
Me: Because they will turn on you later and I didn't want you to get hurt.
Jake: You know what Andee? I believe you. They laughed every time they went somewhere else. It was probably about me. *virtual hugs*
Me: *virtual hugs back*
My world was very optimistic now.
I just needed to find out a way to hang out with Jake. I've never did before and I think it would be a great way to raise our relationship to best friends. Or maybe best friends forever.