
Chapter Eight: Lola's Coffee Shop

It was friday after school and since I took the city bus home and I passed Lola's I decided to just go there and wait. The thing is, he lived like and hour away so I had to pass the time. Luckily there was a television there.
"Hey Andee! I'm sorry you had to wa-."
Oh my gosh! I was passed out in front of him on one of their comfy couches. This was so embarrassing. I just woke up after he was done talking.
"What? Oh... Hey Jake! I'm so sorry!! I feel really terrible."
"Yea.. Umm.. Andee? Can I talk to you about something?"
"Sure, What is it?"
"You do know that homecoming is coming up right?"
"Yea, Before you go on, I think dances are so stupid because I have no one to hang out with and it's just not my style."
"Would you maybe want to spend it with me?"
Oh my god! I couldn't believe he was asking me! The thing is, I only knew him for a few months and I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I had to make sure this came out right.
"LIsten Jake, I would love to go to the dance with you but, I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship."
"Alright. I understand,"
Then he stormed off. Just like that. I knew this wasn't a good idea. I hope he doesn't hate me. I think I saw a tear streaming down his face before he stormed off. I had to fix this pronto.
I tried calling him like every 30 minutes. This must be serious. But I wonder if something else is going on in his life. I logged on to facebook thank god he was online. He answered me quite slowly though. This was our conversation
Me: Jake! I really didn't mean to hurt your feelings! Are you ok?
Jake: I got over that over an hour ago and no. I'm not ok.
Me: What's wrong?
Jake: If I tell you, will you promise not to tell anyone?
Me: Promise.
Jake: My parents are divorced. I live with my mom and she is an alcoholic and violent and I just can't find a way to escape Andee. *tear*
Me: Jake! *tear* You can get away and stay with me. Want to?
Jake: Idk. Well, I gotta go
Me: Wish you good luck. See ya
I had no idea. I guess not everyones life is perfect. At least he can escape by going to school. I can't wait to act sympathetic towards him on monday. He really needs it.