A Typical Love Story

Chapter 3

As Sam grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door, I tried to remember what we had next but I got distracted by Emmett. He was smiling at me. Weird. He hasn't done that since I said I would be right back. Curse that stupid movie theater. How could of I been so stupid?

Same and I walked to our next class which thankfully was study hall. Time to talk! We took our seats in the corner of the room so no one will hear us.

"So what do you think of Matt?" squealed Sam. I groaned. "Come on! Tell me!"

"Okay, okay, he is really cute. He seems cool too. Kinda came off as rude, but just a little bit though."

"Yeah he did.It's probably just because it's the first day. He will probably become friendlier.. maybe." Sam gushed.

All of the sudden, we saw a figure running into the room, right into Mrs. Finkle.

"Where were you? You are ten minutes late! What is your name?" Mrs. Finkle screamed.

"Emmett Smith! I got lost. I don't remember where any of these rooms are!" Emmett replied laughing.

"Okay, I'll let you go because it's the first day but don't do it again!" Mrs. Finkle warned.

As Emmett searched the room for an open seat, I realized the only open seat was next to me! This is the only chance in school I get to talk to Sam, and I can't!

I looked away as Emmett strolled over with a smile on his face. I bit my hand as Emmett pulled out the chair and sat down.

"Hey!" Emmett said. I forced myself to turn around and act surprised.

"Oh, hey. I didn't see you sit down." I said. Of all people, why does Emmett have to sit here?

"So, what are you ladies talking about?" he asked.

"Oh, you know, stuff." Sam and I replied in unison.

"Sounds fun," Emmett replied sarcastically. He sighed and looked away. He turned to Sam and asked, "Can you give us a minute?"

"I guess," Sam said uneasily. She grabbed her assignment book and went up to Mrs. Finkle.

"Look Tamara, I'm sorry about what happened at the movies. I didn't start kissing her, she came up and kissed me. I kept trying to call you, but she deleted your number off my phone! I really miss you Tamara, and Tamara... I love you. I love you so much, and I hate myself for what I have done. Forgive me please?" he pleaded.