Status: EastEnders fans will hopefully love this!!!

Tears, Tantrum and Drama, But I Still Love You

Katie Slater is a new resident of Albert Squre and she's quick to get a job at the Queen Vic. And soon enough she attracts the attention of lovable Fat Boy AKA Arthur. However, is she interested? And with it being Walford it's not long before secrets are coming out and affairs are happening, and will Fat Boy be able to get his girl or will the curse of Albert Square continue to wreck havoc?!
  1. Chapter 1-New Beginning
    Katie has moved into Albert Square and a certain Fat Boy (Arthur) soon sets his sights on her.
  2. Chapter 2-Confrontations
    Fat Boy continues to be persistent, but will he get a date with Katie. And Ryan and Katie have a confrontation.
  3. Chapter 3-Giving In
    Janine begins to get suspicious of Ryan and Stacey's relationship. And Katie finally gives in to Fat Boy's charms.
  4. Chapter 4-Calling
    Ryan starts to annoy Katie for not giving into his demands. And Simon continues to call Stacey, leading her to get angry with him.
  5. Chapter 5-Secrets
    Katie and Fat Boy try to have their date but all fails. And Katie manages to get in Janine's bad books. And just to make matters worse, an unfriendly face from Katie's past makes a return to her life.
  6. Chapter 6-Blackmail
    A face from Katie's past has returned, but what secret is Katie hiding from everyone? Will she give in to blackmail or will she continue to go about her normal life?
  7. Chapter 7-Difficult Decisions
    After breaking it off with Fat Boy everyone finds out about Katie and Simon's relationship in the worst way possible.
  8. Chapter 8-Drunken Days
    Fat Boy and Katie quickly become friends again and they end up going out drinking with Lauren, Peter and Whitney. That night she has two guys kiss her and the more drunk she gets the closer she is to Simon revealing her secret.
  9. Chapter 9-Secrets and Lies
    Fat Boy tries to get his woman. And Katie nearly has her secret revealed.