Status: EastEnders fans will hopefully love this!!!

Tears, Tantrum and Drama, But I Still Love You

Chapter 9-Secrets and Lies

When waking up, I had the biggest shock of my life. And when I say that, I mean seriously! Of course getting drunk and all meant that I had trouble gathering my memory, so you can imagine how surprised I was to find my arms wrapped around Fat Boy, his arms wrapped around me and my head lying on his chest. Oh yes and the important fact that I’m in my underwear and he is in his underwear too. This is so wrong, in fact this goes beyond the reasoning of the word wrong. And what am I going to do about Simon?! I don’t remember much, but I do remember kicking him in the shin and that’s about it really. Oh, how I wish I remembered what I say to people when I’m drunk. Fat Boy held me that little bit tighter and that little bit closer to him. Usually I’d be happy about this, I mean waking up next to Fat Boy in the morning is brilliant. However, if this gets back to Simon then my secrets out and everyone will know about me. No one will respect me anymore, well, if they did in the first place. The only person I know for a fact I’ve got respect from is Fat Boy and it would be disastrous if we lost that. Oh God, I can’t stop thinking about Fat Boy, why is he always on my mind? Why oh Why?!
He woke up and looked at me, he gave me a small smile when seeing me and I’m just thinking what have I done? What have I done? “Alright baby girl?” He asks me, no I’m not alright, I’ve messed up utterly and truly messed up. I’m not getting drunk again. And on top of everything I’ve got a hangover. He paused for a moment when I didn’t answer. “Are you naked under there?” He asked me and I looked at him in shock, especially when he pulled the covers up slightly to have a look at me. “Nice underwear.” He tells me with a big smile on his face.
“Ok, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t look at me like that Fat Boy.” I told him and got out of the bed, I quickly walked over to my draws and Fat boy couldn’t help but say something. “Well, baby girl you’re the one getting in bed with me half naked I think I have a right to look at you.” He tells me and I slip on a shirt.
“You know, when inviting you back I wasn’t expecting you to go all pervy on me.” I tell him and then put on my pyjama bottoms. I turn around to face him again and walk over to the bed. “The Fats is not pervy!” He exclaims. “I think you wouldn’t have this problem if you didn’t take me back.” He reminds me.
As I’m thinking of something to say, he takes hold of my hand and pulls me onto the bed on top of him. “No Fat Boy!” I scream and he laughs. His arms come out from under the covers and he wraps them around me. He leans upwards and I lean downwards as our lips meet. They move rhythmically to this amazing beat and Fat Boy rolls over so that I’m at the bottom and that he’s on top of me. His arms which are behind my back arch my body towards his. He kisses me a little bit more passionately this time and that’s when I come to my senses. I push him off me and sit on the edge of the bed. I run a hand through my hair in aggravation. It’s so difficult when someone wants you and you want them and you can’t be together because someone gets in between! I hate my life right now! Fat Boy places his hand on my shoulder. “What’s the matter baby girl?”
“It’s just I shouldn’t, we shouldn’t have done that Fat Boy.”
“Why not? It was enjoyable for me, I mean I love kissing you and I know you love kissing me too.” He tells me and he’s right, he’s so right.
“Yeah, but Simon.” I say.
“Forget about Simon. You didn’t seem so bothered about him last night. And in fact I’m actually really surprised that you’ve slept with him.”
“Why are you surprised about that?” I ask him and turn to face him.
“Because when I met you, you were confident and nice and weren’t afraid of saying no to anyone. Then this Simon comes along, your not as confident as you were, you aren’t as nice to me and well, you av’ already slept with him.” He explains to me and I know he’s right, however, I can’t help but snap at him. “Oi! Are you trying to say that I’m easy?!” I asked him annoyed.
“No, I didn’t mean…”
“You know what?! Just get out Arthur, I’ve got better things to do than hang out with you.”
“What? Like Simon?” He asked me and I just got even more annoyed with him.
“Ok, that’s it. Just leave me alone! I want you gone in five minutes and if you aren’t out of this building when I come back I’ll throw you out myself.” I warned him and then stormed out of my room and out to the downstairs.
Kat smiled when she saw me. “So lover boy stayed last night?” She asked me and I looked at her in a really annoyed way, why does everyone love Fat Boy so much?! It’s so annoying that they all take his side! “Ok, I was drunk, nothing happened and we’ve just had an argument and I’m with Simon. I hope that clears up everything.”
“So what did I just hear about five minutes ago?” She asked me and I just flashed back to Fat Boy kissing me. I sighed. “What you heard was me telling Fat Boy to get lost.” I rolled my eyes.
Just as that happens the whole Vic goes quiet and Ryan tells Stacey he loves her. I can’t help but smile at this, there’s a long pause and all of a sudden Stacey replies: “I love you too.” And then they kiss. I can’t help but feel pleased for them. See, why can’t I get a happy ending like that? However, Stacey deserves it, she’s had a difficult time of it lately. And in that moment I see Janine walk into the pub, looking gob smacked. And just like that I know there is going to be fireworks, so I walk out of the Vic and go over to Simon’s.

When getting there Simon doesn’t look too pleased to see me and I’m not really bothered I just sigh. Well, the only reason I am bothered is because of my secret. Maybe I can get out of this because of the fact I was drunk. When walking into the house Simon started shouting at me. “What the Hell do you think you were doing last night?! You humiliated me, you said that I was the worst person you’d ever slept with. You embarrassed me! And then you took that Arthur to your home and God knows what happened there.”
“We didn’t sleep together.” I sighed.
“Well, that beats me because you seemed to be following him around like some love sick puppy all night!”
“Simon, I’m a teenager. I got very drunk as I sometimes do, and if you can’t accept that then were not going to work.” I said to him, ok, I was really asking for him to tell everyone about me now! I started walking towards the front door, when a hard hand came down on it. I turned around and Simon was very close to me. “You hurt me last night. And you’re on thin ice Katie.” He pauses. “If you carry on like this then I’ll have no choice but to tell everyone about you.” Oh boo hoo! He’s pissed me off. And just like that I find the way to shut him up, I immediately lean into him and practically jump on him, then I start kissing him like there’s no tomorrow! We go into the front room, have sex and that makes sure that he’ll shut up for a while.
Afterwards I go back to the Vic and sit down at the bar. “Are you alright?” Kat asks me.
“I’m fine.” I lie and start walking up the stairs of the Vic. I’m just fed up of jumping into bed with a man I neither care about or love. I enter my room and see Fat boy in there, the moment I lay eyes on him I’m surprised to see him and am about to get angry. However, all of a sudden he turns on the CD Player and starts singing along to it. “Baby, come and talk to me.” He starts dancing to it as well and I watch him. “We need to find a way to work this out.” He smiles at me and turns off the CD Player. I don’t give away how I’m feeling about this with my facial expression because I’ve got to tell him no and I’ve got to kick him out of the Vic. I walk over to him until there are mere inches between us I’m about to say something when I suddenly don’t know what came over me. I lean in fast and press my lips to his hard. They meet and move to this amazing rhythm. I bring my arms around his body and keep running my hands up and down his back. I run my hands through his hair and he starts pushing me back and I end up falling on top of the bed with Fat Boy on top of me. He kisses me as passionately as ever, when I suddenly stop things. “No.” I say. “We can’t sleep together, not this quickly.” I tell him and he nods his head and gently places a hand on my cheek. “However…” I begin. “I’d love to go out with you.” I tell him.
“You would?” He asks me shocked.
“Yeah, but we’d have to be quiet about it because if Simon knew then that would be bad.”
“Well, do you know what I think?” Fat Boy asks me. “I think that you should stop worrying about this secret and just be with me. I know you feel nothing towards him.”
“If you knew the truth I think you’d hate me.”
“Try me?” He asks.
“Look, can we keep this secret for a bit and then when I’m ready I’ll break it off with Simon and tell you the truth. I just need time.”
“Ok.” Fat Boy tells me. “But just to let you know, I’m not big on secrets, so it can’t be for long.”
“It won’t.” I reassure him and smile at him and then I lean in and kiss him again.

For days Fat Boy and I have this sort of secret affair behind Simon’s back, except without the sex. Whilst Simon tries to seduce me, but I always find a way around it, saying I’ve got a headache, I think I’ve sprained my ankle. However, he is getting suspicious about me not sleeping with him. And since I was so caught up in my own life I was surprised when I talked to Kat. “Hey Kat, I haven’t seen Stacey in a while.”
“She’s left.” She tells me.
“What do you mean left?”
“Well Janine said that Stacey stabbed her and that Stacey killed Archie and now Stacey decided to run from the police. Ryan was going to go with her but she told him she didn’t love him.”
“Oh.” I paused. “What about Jean?”
“She left yesterday, I believe. She was very upset as she don’t know where Stacey is.”
“Oh…” I say surprised, this is all news to me.
“So where have you been to miss all this news?” I couldn’t help but smile when she asked me this and my cheeks reddened. She laughed when this happened. “Why do I get the feeling a lad is involved?”
“Because there may be.” I tell her.
“Oh, so you’ve chucked Simon then?” That name was more than enough to bring me down.
“No, I haven’t.”
“That’s a shame, so who are you cheating on him with?”
“Kat, do you have to be so loud?” I asked her shocked.
“Yes, now who?”
“Fat Boy.” I smiled.
“What? Arthur?”
“Yeah, he’s been really great and on Christmas Eve I felt so sorry for him because he was meant to do this solo but couldn’t hack it.” I tell her. “but you must keep this quiet, if Simon ever found out then… Then it’d be bad, ok?”
“Ok, you don’t need to ask me for that love.” I smiled when she said this.
And just like that I walked out of the Vic, only to bump into Peter Beale. He immediately smiled at me. “Hey Katie, I can’t stop thinking about that kiss we had the other night.” He mentions and I sigh.
“Peter, I was drunk and you kissed me not the other way round.” I informed him and he looked gutted about this and just like that Ian Beale started making his way over to me. Great, that’s exactly what I need! “What the Hell are you doing talking to my son?”
“Were just friends.” I tell him.
“Well, why don’t you just get lost! I don’t need a slut like you chasing after a boy like mine.”
“Oh lovely Ian. It’s nice being called a slut when there are rumours going round about you cheating on your wife with Glenda.” Hs shut up when I said that and I gave him a sarcastic smile and walked off.
As I made my way across the square I saw Fat Boy and smiled at him as I walked over to him, but all of a sudden Simon just appeared out of nowhere. “Katie.” He said.
“Yeah?” I asked.
“We need to talk.” He tells me.
“Ok.” I reply and follow him to his house, on the way there I mime to Fat Boy the words: Sorry.