Status: Depends who's updating XD Send us some love people, keep this story strong x

Take No Prisoners

Chapter 19

I hated to say this but I felt like an outsider the entire journey. These other guys had already made- dare I say- friendships? And yet I had just recently come into the group, and none of them liked me. Not one of them.

I was used to being on my own, and I was fine with that. But being on your own within a group was slightly different.

I was told to ride behind the red headed girl named Sunshine. I didn’t have a choice. There didn’t seem much joy in being part of this group. They all argued and bickered with each other, there was no unity. None that was easily visible anyhow.

As we rode in silence, I could hear Sunshine muttering to herself and wincing often. It wasn’t a nice feeling knowing that she was in pain and there was nothing I could do, even if we didn’t know each other. I still felt the need to try and look after her.

But I had to stop these thoughts. They were no good for a killjoy.

Pretty soon I felt the bike slow, and Sunshine pulled up on the road.

“What’s up?” I asked nervously.

There was no way she’d just stopped for a snack.

She avoided my question. “Hold tight onto the bike.”

I rolled my eyes. “You can tell me, Sunshine. I’m not the bad guy.”

“It’s nothing to do with you. You don’t know me.” She snapped, pulling out her ray gun.

My hand immediately flew to my own. “Don’t try anything.”

She just laughed in my face.

She pointed it into the air and fired. A yellow beam flew out and shot into the sky before splitting up into sparks like a firework. That was not a normal ray gun.

“How did you do that?” I gasped.

She laughed again. “I’m pretty handy when it comes to mechanics.”

The car that held Angel, Shadowed and Dusty slowed. And they all jumped out.

“Why have we stopped?” Angel demanded.


Bright lights had caught my senses. They were headlights, which probably meant a fight.

I was alone once again, crouched close to the ground and holding my ray gun close to my body. The car pulled up and the doors opened. Four men stepped out, all as different as could possibly be with the exception of two who had similar facial features.
Soon enough another fight was being shouted. I stayed out of it as much as I could which suited me just fine, I didn’t want to get involved. I was starting to wish I hadn’t joined this band, even if they hadn’t given me much choice.

The car lights flashed on and the four men were lit. They wore bright jackets and their hair matched just as well. One had bright red, another blond, a small guy had black and a tall guy had a huge afro of brown curls.

Angel rose from the driver’s seat of the car, obviously the one to turn on the lights. She asked who they were, and they gave the typical killjoy response.

“We could ask you the same thing.” The one with shocking red hair replied back.

From what I could see Angel was swinging her gun around her hand. “I’m the one with the gun so you will answer me.”

“I’m Party Poison,” he said and pointed to each of the others. “Fun Ghoul, Kobra Kid and Jet Star.”

“Angel of Anarchy.” Angel spoke then nodded towards Shadowed as if she was passing on the torch to speak.

“Shadowed Nuclear.”

“Ghosted Stardust.” I answered in turn, desperate to stay unnoticed.

“Dusty Sunset Voltage.”

We stopped.

“Sunshine.” Dusty gasped. “Oh God.”

The car was pretty loud, even someone in a deep sleep would have awoken at that racket. Dusty rushed towards where she had set up a make-shift bed, to see her red hair stuck to the ground. Her bandage was drenched in blood as red as her hair. I knew she was ill.

I ran up behind Dusty and placed my hand on her shoulder. “Is she dead?”

“She is breathing, she cannot be dead.” Dusty practically hissed at me with all the venom she could muster.

Once again they left me alone.

I seemed to let everything slide past me in a kind of trance, and before I knew it we were moving again. Sunshine had been taken by these new men into the car, and Dusty had gone crazy. Angel and Shadowed were keeping to themselves, but staying close to the men, especially the one with red hair.

I was just following.

We arrived shortly at what I’m assuming was a sort of base. There were several rooms and the blond boy- Kobra, had taken Sunshine into one. They had drugged her up as she looked near death. Dusty exited the room and I tried to talk to her.

“It’s nice to see you awake, you’ve been passed out for at least twenty-four hours.” I said, going over to the fridge and grabbing us both a drink which she declined. “We thought you were in a coma.”

I wanted to belong, because I had no one else. Or maybe I was just being naive.
“I’m going to sleep.” I muttered and went and found a battered looking sofa to curl up on.

This didn’t feel right; it was too easy, too natural to be here with these people who I had no connection with. But at the same time I knew it was bad, something bad was bound to happen, we couldn’t stay a group for long, there was no such thing as a happy ending.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is Sunshine writing on behalf of Ghosted who is currently out of action. I hope she likes what I wrote for her, but this is all I know from what she has told me. Other things have happened since, but unfortunatley I was *ahem* slighty out of it.

Look Alive Killjoys, and try not to get Ghosted.