Your Promises Look Like Lies


"Here," Jared smiled as he offered me his arm, helping my tired self up the steps to my front door.

"Thank you," I replied with a smile as I retrieved the keys from my bag "I guess this is goodbye Mr. Leto."

He smiled, his ocean blue eyes searching mine as his hand cupped the right side of my face. I moved closer to him, my arms locking around his waist "Not this time."

I ignored my pounding heart as his thumb gently stroked my cheekbone "I won't be impressed if you use the 'P' word."

"No promises," He assured me, his eyes flickering from my own to my lips "Just-" His head bent towards mine, capturing my lips into a sweet kiss.

"I-" I breathed, my whole body tingling once he pulled away "Will I see you again before you leave?"

Another comforting stroke of my cheekbone with his thumb "I'll definately try...I'll text you?"

I nodded, words failing me.

"I'm gunna go now, you look after yourself yeah?" He asked in concern, I nodded once more before he placed a soft kiss on my forehead "Bye Angel."


"What's with you tonight?" Bailey asked as I checked my phone for the millionth time since Annie arrived.

"Nothing," I replied with a smile before turning to my Goddaughter "What DVDs are we watching then K-Bear?"

"Mean Girls," She answered with a grin.

"I love that film!" Annie exclaimed, her and the 10 year old delving deep into a discussion of their favourite scenes.

Not that I was listening, the buzzing of my phone grabbing my attention.

How about tomorrow? I'm doing the school run ;) xx
From: JayJay:)

My insides shook at the thought of seeing him so soon after our kiss.

Does Kaya know? xx
From: Angel<3

She does not so no telling!! I want to surprise my cutest fan (apart from you of course) before we jet xx
From: JayJay:)

I'll keep your secret :D xxx
From: Angel<3

'Our kiss'. This time my outsides began to shake.

We kissed. Guilt racked my head as happiness took a hold of my heart.

I wondered how he felt, how he really felt, about it...and quickly cursed myself.

I couldn't allow myself to get my heart broken by him again.


I jumped at the sound of my name and was dragged from my thoughts to see Annie, Bailey and Kaya all staring at me in confusion.

"Are you okay?" Kaya asked "Cause I'm about to start the movie and it's a crime you haven't seen it before!"

I chuckled, masking my inner emotions "Just play it!"

Annie caught my eye and raised her eyebrows in suspicion.

She knew the look on my face - the mixture of confusion, love and pain - having seen it enough in our year together at Highschool.

How I was going to dodge this one I did not know...
♠ ♠ ♠
VioletTwist's comments make my day :)) haha
-Of course I know who you mean!!!