Your Promises Look Like Lies


"So," The interviewer smiled as she leant back in her seat "Last question; any girls in the 30 Seconds to Mars family?"

A playful smirk came to my face as I leant over and pinched her cheek "Non as pretty as you!" she blushed as I sent her a cheeky smile.

Inwardly my heart had sank to my boots. Questions about girls were probably the ones I hated the most. Not only did I get reminded of all the rumours floating around about who was in my bed this week and the looks on Shan and Matt's faces as they recalled the two lovely ladies they had BUT painful and distant memories forced their way back into my mind.

Memories of what could have been.

"Dude!" Shan whispered, nudging me to attention as the woman thanked us.

"Always a pleasure," I smiled softly, winking in her direction and causing another blush.

I stretched as I followed my brother, Tomo and Matt out of the room - 9am interviews the morning after a concert were never fun.


I slowly turned, my hands still on my head after my stretch, to see the interviewer (I should really start listening to introductions) rushing towards me "Did I forget something?" I asked, my hands dropped from my head to search my pockets; relief calming my panic when i felt my phone in my jeans.

"Oh. no," She smiled twirling a piece of her fake platinum blonde hair around her finger "I was just wondering what you were doing while you were in the city."

I raised my eyebrows slightly as my heart plummeted once more "We're not here for long," I lied "And there's a ton of stuff to do in good old NYC!"

Her face fell and I felt terrible "Oh, no trouble then."

I smiled, bending down to give her a quick cuddle "Thanks for the offer though."

...But I only have one girl on my mind sorry and she's been there quite a while...


"Two cheeseburgers and chips Bailes!" I shouted through to the kitchen. By day our bar became a sort of cafe as Bailey's college subject was catering. As mine was business we'd always been destined to do what we were doing.

"The people of New York are loving their burgers this dinnertime!" She exclaimed with a smirk as she passed me the two chicken burgers to go I'd previously asked for.

"Here we are," I smiled as I handed the burgers over and took the payment "How's Kaya enjoying her show?" I asked, going to stand by the kitchen door where I could keep an eye on the cafe and talk to Bailey at the same time.

"It's like the 6th time she's watched it!" She replied, almost with a proud smile.

I rolled my eyes "What's it even about?"

Her triumphant eyes lit up, I'd never asked one question about her show since she became obsessed with it "A highschool, it tackles important issues teenagers go through - crushes, sex, homosexuality, homophobia, violence..."

I raised my eyebrows "And you're letting your 10 year old watch that?"

Bailey shrugged "It's not like when we were kids anymore Ren," She sighed "A lot of kids nowadays know more than we did when we were their age."

It was my turn to shrug "Kids nowadays eh?" I smirked, feeling incredibly old as that had come out of my friend's mouth "Anyway, I won't be watching it."

Defeat crossed Bailey's face "How come?"

"I hate Highschool based programs."

They bring back things I'd rather forget...
♠ ♠ ♠
VioletTwist <3
Lisa <3