Your Promises Look Like Lies

Twenty One


I stared at his sheepish looking handsome face for a few seconds in confusion.

"Aunty Lauren!"

I snapped put of my confused state as the small, hyper bundle of fun resembling my little nephew raced behind the counter, hugging my legs tightly.

"Tyler!" My sister's breathless sounding voice followed as she also raced into the cafe "We were supposed to be waiting outside until Jared buttered Aunty Lauren up!"

Tyler giggled as I lifted him up and sat him on the counter "I couldn't wait," He shrugged "Sowwii Unc-JayJay."

"S'all right bud," Jared smiled, ruffling his hair.

"Wait," I began as everything hit me once again, the shock of them showing up wearing off "Uncle JayJay? And where have you been for the past few days? Kaya thinks you've forgotten us y'know."

His face fell into a frown "I was under strict instruction not to phone you because these two said I'd give the surprise away-"

"He was well excited!" Ty cut in.

Jared sent him a look, eyebrows raised before whispering "Uncool little man! Uncool!" Causing Tyler to giggle "I never meant to hurt Kaya."

I shrugged, not really knowing what to say " did."

"I'll make it up to her, what time does she finish school?"

I frowned, glancing over to the clock "In about 15 minutes, why?"

He flashed one of his best smiles in my direction as he turned to leave "I'll see you later!"


He waved me off "Spend time with your sister!"

* Jared

I smiled as I wandered through the school gates, excited to surprise Kaya. Knowing I'd upset her hurt, I could never forget her.

Pulling my hood over my hair and ensuring my sunglasses fully covered my eyes I joined the crowd of mom's waiting for their kids - quickly spotting Bailey.

Leaning over her shoulder from behind I whispered "Good day m'lady." In my best British accent.

She gasped, hand going to her chest "Jared?!" She whisper exclaimed, not wanting to draw any attention to us "What are you doing here?" She added, hitting my arm "You scared the shhh-you just scared me okay!" She said, quickly correcting her near swear word, feeling the gazes of the mom's around her.

"I'm here to surprise my cutest fan!" I beamed, like me turning up was the most normal thing in the world "I hear I upset her."

Bailey sent me a half smile "She just missed you."

I nodded "I missed her too."

We fell into a comfortable silence until the school bell rang and crowds of children spilled from the doors.

I spotted her immediately, long dark hair pulled into a high ponytail, grin appearing on her face as she spotted me.


"Hey!" I smiled as she launched at me, hugging my waist tightly.

"What're you doing here?!"

"Well I cane to surprise you but if I'm not wanted..."

She sent me a stern look "Of course you're wanted! I was just asking."

I smiled softly as we began the walk back home "Well I'm glad I came back then."

"I'm glad too!"