Your Promises Look Like Lies


She was wearing my hoodie...

Much to my bandmates' amusement I spent the whole ride to the interview with my hood pulled over my eyes.

"C'mon man," Matt's voice interrupted my thoughts as he patted me on the back "We're here."

I sighed as I climbed out of the car after them, not in the mood for answering questions anymore.

"I can't believe that was Lauren," Shan mused as he fell into step beside me.

I flinched "I can't believe I made a fool out of myself in front of Lauren."

He chuckled, patting me on the shoulder "For some reason I don't think that's what she's angry about."

I groaned, rubbing a hand over my face "I'm going back tomorrow."

He sent me a concerned glance "Do you think that's wise?"

"I don't care Shan, it's my fault we lost touch, I think I should at least try."

He shrugged "Well, it's up to you."

Pushing my uneasy feeling aside I allowed the lead singer confidence to take over "I'm going back tomorrow."



"...And he looks like an older eyeliner version of Jordan Catalano!"

I frowned as I entered the kitchen, trying to stop my insides from shaking "What are you two on about now?"

Bailey glanced up to me, her eyebrows raised with an amused look on her face "You know guys who wear eyeliner?"

I rolled my eyes "He was no one guys!" I pressed, really not wanting to go into detail about Jared to them...with his track record I assumed I wouldn't be seeing him again any time soon.

"He wasn't 'no one'," Kaya smirked "She pretended to be my mom to freak him out and I reckon he's the one who gave her this hoodie," She added, tugging on the sleeve of my sweatshirt.

I crossed my arms over my chest "And what makes you think that?"

"The way he looked at it," She replied, the look in her eyes making her seem so much older than her 10 years.

"You need to hang out with people your own age missy," I joked, poking her nose "I have customers to serve."

As I went to walk out Bailey spoke up "Don't forget you're off tonight, James'll be picking you up in 2 hours!"


"Bails I'm leaving!" I called as a knock sounded through the apartment.

"Have fun!" Kaya called back closely followed by her mom's

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

I rolled my eyes as I slid a light jacket onto my shoulders "Hey," I grinned as I swung the door open.

The handsome man stood before me smiled back, kissing me on the cheek. James and I had been dating on and off for about a year and he was possibly the best, safest thing to ever happen to me.

"Ready?" He asked, his British accent getting me everytime.

"Of course," I smiled softly, stepping out into the crisp night "Where are we headed?"

"You'll see," He smirked "Though it is in walking distance."

"Really?" I asked with raised eyebrows. I linked my arm through his, sliding my hand in his suit jacket pocket.

He simply smiled as we turned the corner, nodding his head towards the brightly lit restaurant.

"Really?" I repeated with a grin, we were walking through the doors of my favourite Italian restaurant.

He squeezed my arm "Only the best for y-"


I glanced up with a sinking feeling in my heart, coming face to face with Jared, Shan and two guys I didn't recognise "Uhm, hi?"

"Who's this?" James frowned in confusion.

"Jared Leto," Jared smirked, an air of confidence and ego around him, he reached out to shake hands "An old friend of Lauren's."

"Really?" James asked, shaking Jared's hand "She's never mentioned you before."

His sad looking blue eyes flickered over to me "That's why I said old friend," He answered, his voice forced to be different to his eyes.

"Shannon Leto," Shan jumped in, almost like he was saving his brother, also shaking James' hand "And these are our friends Tomo Miličević and Matt Wachter."

I slowly grinned at Shan's words, unable to help myself I hugged him "I missed you big bro," I mumbled, me and Shan had carried on being close a few more years after Jared's departure.

"I missed you too lil sis," He smiled as we parted, Jared and James sending us questioning looks "We better go," I said, not looking at Jared as I linked my arm back through James'.

It was Jared's soft tone which answered me, making my heart melt even after all these years.

"Bye Angel."
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Sorry it's been a while guys...I've been ill with the flu :(